DarcMatter project review

in darcmatter •  7 years ago 

We represent to you DarcMatter the current platform, uniting 130 funds of investment of means and 1300 private investors from more than 20 countries of the world. The system allows to search and select investors, and also provides a clear toolkit for the investor to find interesting projects. The platform is based and operates as a matter of fact on the new blocking standard, called NEM. We can say that the platform also introduces new standards for blocking technologies.



The platform allows to increase the level of automation, eliminating the need to use the human factor in decision-making. DarcMatter allows you to exclude intermediaries from the processes to find investors or objects for investment. Through a number of mechanisms and tools, DarcMatter provides an appropriate level of transparency and security for the implementation of investor search and investment processes. The system allows generating the documentation and confirming the proper subjectness of the investments involved in the investment process, asset allocation. The platform is not a project, but has actually been operational since 2014.

Again, according to DarcMatter representatives' assurances, the platform is built and uses the NEM unit. This block system solves the issues of scalability and speed of data processing. It should be taken into account that the blocking reduces the cost of transactions and, at the same time, provides less power consumption, maintains high standards for the production of crypts. Such blocking becomes an ideal tool for carrying out activities in the market of alternative investments.

How it works

DarcMatter is the first and the main platform, which provides a full-fledged toolkit in the market of alternative investments in crypto-currency markets. Operations, thanks to the above-mentioned block, are conducted with a high speed of processing data and information. Therefore, DarcMatter, in fact, solves all the issues faced by traditional systems for investment, based on the classic blockbuster. It is well known that the speed of processing data for 1 tps, for example, in BTC is not very high. This greatly complicates the widespread use of blockages and slows down its development, which in the near future will create prerequisites for the appearance of boundaries in the development of technology blockades. DarcMatter solves these above questions.


Making it simple, DarcMatter unites and provides tools for alternative investments in crypto-currencies, the implementation of crypto-exchange with the introduction of a new type of NEM blocking standard. The developers do not yet disclose all the details of the effect of the implementation of the NEM blockade, which of course requires additional explanations and explanations from them. But, the introduction of a scalable model of the new standard for the blockroom, indeed, solves many problems and issues.

DarcMatter is registered in the US, but offices also operate in Ukraine, South Korea and the PRC.


DarcMatter within the framework of the ICO is issuing its DMC token, which will be a means of payment for alternative investments within the platform and should become a full-fledged means, incl. to implement external investment through other resources and platforms. Public sale of the token has been carried out since June 15, 2018, is currently being implemented. The nominal price of the token is set at $ 1 DMC = $ 0.2. The token type is XEM. The block platform is NEM. By placing an internal DMC token, it is planned to attract about $ 40,000,000. The sales data and the filling of the basic required resources are quite successful at the moment. Investments can be made in ETH, XEM, BTC.

The project team is represented by representatives from the United States, China, South Korea and Ukraine. All specialists are shown, as the proper experts in their field, have experience in financial and other markets, management and IT.

The project partners include: AIG, JP Morgan, AXA Advisors, Deutsche Bank, SGRF, Merrill Lynch and others.


We are sure that The DarcMatter platform has been functioning quite successfully for a long time, namely from 2014 onwards and is actually built on the new standard of NEM blocking, the project proves its worth. carries out activities at the appropriate level of transparency, efficiency, safety and high data processing speeds. The company and the platform received a fairly high level of assessment of the prospects and reliability by rating ICO review.

Project Links:

Website : https://dmc.darcmatter.com
Twitter : https://twitter.com/DarcMatterHQ
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/darcmatterHQ/
Medium : https://medium.com/@DarcMatter


prankbox - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1357659

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Good project!

Интересный проект