in dareyourfear •  7 years ago 

People are always afraid of one thing or the other at a particular point in any one's life, we all do, because in our journey in life we will definitely come across things that we will be frightened about and always think of running away from it.

Fear according to dictionary is defined as strong, uncontrollable, unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat.

Fear may be real or fake. Fake fear is the type that appears when we know deep down in us we can do that particular thing for instance the fear of talking in the public.

Real fear in the other hand is the type that comes when we encounter serious problem for instance, someone stuck in a burning building and doesn't know how to break out of it, and before your very presence people are burning in fire and the fire is approaching you slowly.

We also have fear sub-divided into fear of death, fear of losing, fear of negligence, fear of dissapointment, fear of getting old, fear of failure etc. If we face our fear we will always emerge victorious because when we overcome fear fear vanishes... So always face your fears fearlessly. IMG_20180123_224005_275.JPG

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nice post


Thanks much

I appreciate


Fear! A basic survival instinct, though


Am motivated,, thanks

I'm happy that you are