For the moment we might very well can them DUNNOS (for Dark Unknown Nonreflective Nondetectable Objects Somewhere).
Author: Bill Bryson
Dark Matter
dark-matter orion constellation starry sky star galaxies night sky astrophotography celestial body milky way star clusters fog galaxy clusters photography technique long exposure night darkness dark raven black astronomy amateur astrophotography digital astrophotography northern sky sky equator winter sky known constellation star line orion's belt betelgeuse α orionis red giant winter triangle bellatrix γ orionis rigel β orionis winter hexagon saiph κ orionis alnitak ζ orionis alnilam ε orionis mintaka δ orionis three stars three kings belt of orion jacob rod jacob's ladder star cluster cr 70 cr 70 orion mist m 42 m42 surface brightest emission fog emission nebula cloud complex interstellar matter small orion fog de mairans fog emission fog m43 m43 orion nebula star heka λ orionis orions head open star cluster cr 69 star cluster cr 69 cr 69 orion orion orion orion orion constellation starry sky starry sky fog orion nebula