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Dude, take care! Obviously you know what you're doing, but it's also obvious that this stuff is dangerous big time! Respect to you and your skills!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Amateur pyrotechnics and chemistry forum

As a forewarning you should not use marbles in a metal mill as the marbles edges can actually cut into the steal and basically cause the steel that was sheared off to spark. Once again this is not the marbles sparking but the metal itself the marbles are sheered off... This is very similar to how a flint and steel works. Thanks for watching guys, you all are awesome!! Also I sugest not grinding up aluminum in your food blender as it'll scratch up the cup and dull the blades. I find my junk blenders at rummage sales all the time for around 5 dollars.A poppy seed grinder are much better!People keep asking me where I got my mill, truth be told It's actually a rock tumbler but can be used the same. You can find a single barrel version to buy here if your serious about making your own powder in ebay or Amazon.