Exit from the Dark Side

in dark •  6 years ago 

Look, I usually consider myself a very happy person. But last year was a little hard for me. I've been under the weight of a few power events, so life is sometimes confronted with such situations, and the truth is that I'm in a very dark place. Still got up every morning. Still, I took care of my child and worked to pay the bills. But I wasn't happy. I was hurting. Maybe I was depressed. And I've been struggling to hide this depression from my little girl, even though I know I'm having a new defeat every day in my fight.

In all this difficulty, I was trying to cope with this guilt. I was there. I was present. But I wasn't the mother I wanted to be. And that was another painful challenge for me.

When I left the dark side, I had to accept something new: I could be more inclined to crisis crises and anxiety than I thought. I want to think of myself as a happy person. A strong person. And the truth is, I am, but I'm also a stumbling person. Especially when life gets tough.

And at these times, I'm not as strong as I want the world to believe. As much as I'd like to believe. As much as I want people to believe.

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