"My first Crypto" Workshop in Chiang Mai - with Dash giveaway

in dash •  7 years ago 

my first crypto dash.jpg

You may remember a recent post in which I shared that @suzanevolves interviewed me about crypto and Dash for her YouTube channel.

We explained wallets, I sent her Dash live on air, etc. But sadly the audio turned out so bad that we couldn't really publish it. So we decided to do it again - this time with a live audience.

That day was yesterday!

Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 20.37.41.png

Suzanne had organised a "My first Crypto" workshop at a co-working space, and almost 40 people showed up! And believe it or not - about 80% were women!


That was way more than we had chairs for, so many of them had to sit on the floor.


I noticed that I knew almost half the people in the room in person.

Two and a half weeks ago I arrived here, knowing nobody besides Suzanne. The digital nomad and crypto community is very strong and close here, though, and everyone is so open that you can't help but meet nice people here every day.


So we shared how this new digital money is different from the digital money we already have, and why we should be interested in this whole crypto thing at all.

Then we helped everyone to install a Dash wallet or a Jaxx wallet. For most of them it was their very first one.


I did a live demonstration with one "guinea pig" in front of the group and showed how easy and fast Dash can be sent from one wallet to another, and then 30 people queued up to receive their Dash :)

I had to hurry before my phone ran out of power. Thank God Dash is super fast, so I could get to everyone before it was too late.

We got great feedback and had a lot of fun, too, so maybe I'm going to start offering these beginner's workshops in Berlin as well...

Let's see! :)

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Anja, thank you so much for my first crypto! It seemed like a huge step for me but you made it comfortable and super easy. Hope to see you again somewhere else in the world.

Hey Diana, nice to see you here! Thank you 😊

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Should had applied for DASH Global meetup fund.

That would have been great but if there were no drinks attached that you could reimburse, then this kind of setting is not eligible for Dash Global, or did I misunderstand?

Hey Anja! So cool you wrote this, yes, it was an amazing evening. you did so well. I am so happy we organised this. as well as the mostly woman who finally have their first crypto. I would love to be able to organise this more often in Chiang Mai, even when you are gone. )-: Thank you for being such an inspiration. Love Suzanne

Great work!

Great work @connecteconomy! I love that you got such a great turnout with the majority of them women.

Thank you :)



I mean what's that show?

thanks a lot because busy..
carry on please...


Great :D