Anyone using mydashwallet during that time should assume their private keys are known by the hacker and immediately move balances out of that wallet.
For more info:
- In April 2018, MyDashWallet was modified to load an external script from the script hosting website GreasyFork. While not abnormal, this is not considered a secure practice, particularly since the reference loaded the latest version of the script, rather than a specific version. On May 13 2019, a hacker compromised the GreasyFork account of the original author of the script, Jixun Moe, and added code to send users' private keys to an external server. This change was detected on July 12 2019 when the hacker used the private keys to move user funds. MyDashWallet is not maintained by Dash Core Group, and at no time was the Dash network itself compromised.
- The hack itself was only active for two months before being detected. The insecure coding practice implemented by MyDashWallet went undetected for over a year due to insufficient review of code by third parties. In the future, all code handling private keys should be reviewed thoroughly before being trusted with user funds. In particular, the use of local keystore files should be discouraged in favour of hardware wallets, similar to best practices implemented by MyEtherWallet.
- Dash is an open protocol built on open source software. As such, anyone is free to implement wallets or other software interacting with the Dash network. All software released by Dash Core Group is both open source and subjected to stringent quality testing prior to release. Third party software should be reviewed carefully before use, with preference given to open source software where the code is available.