Announcing The First Official Dash Giveaway (DashAway)

in dash •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today is the first official DashAway, or Dash giveaway. If you follow the rules, you could win free Dash and all you have to do is upvote the post.

DashAway Rules

  • The DashAway post must have 250 upvotes or more in order to begin.
  • What do you have to do? Upvote this post - that's it.
  • We will randomly select 2 upvoters and if the post goes over 500 upvotes, 3 upvoters as DashAway winners provided that the total exceeds 250 upvotes. Given that the available supply of Dash minus masternodes is about 2.6 million and there are 7 billion people on Earth, DashAway winners will get 2 Dash each. In the future, DashAway winners may get more Dash relative to the supply of Dash and the human population, however, out of the available supply, 2 Dash is a lot - this is a very rare cryptocurrency. We liken this to owning about $10,000 out of the total US money supply - Dash is that rare.
  • The DashAway ends in three days and don't worry if there aren't enough upvotes to meet the DashAway rules - even though no Dash will be given, there will always be next time to win free Dash. We plan on quite a few other DashAways with some of them involving a question-and-answer challenge to encourage people to read the whitepaper and learn how Dash works.

Purpose of DashAways

DashAways exist to increase the use and knowledge of the cryptocurrency Dash. When you subtract the Dash held by masternodes, only 2.6 million Dash exist. In addition, people might wonder, "What is a masternode" and these DashAways encourage people to do research on how this cryptocurrency functions and why we think it may be one of the biggest winners in the long run. I am of the view that on Dash will eventually be worth well over $100 - but hey, I could be wrong. And to the people who want to bet against something like Dash, you always want to know why and what you're betting against, so this may be a good opportunity for you to find out why Dash won't be the best in the long run.

Keep Learning

The biggest winners of these contests will be the people who keep pushing themselves to learn new things. Never stop learning and goodluck!

Note: we do not include ourselves in the voting for both total upvotes and winners.

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Great dashaway@fintekneeks all the best and thanks to Dashcoin.