Stop Sign Fail

in dashcam •  6 months ago 

Just another example of how NOT to treat a multi-way stop (or a stop sign in general).

For a little context, I had just pulled out of the school where I dropped off my daughter in the morning. This is a three-way stop. It's a little awkward because the stop sign to my left ends up being a little bit behind you. Anyway, this particular morning as I came to a complete stop and waited for a truck to clear the intersection, some entitled assclown decided stopping wasn't even necessary. On top of that, they flipped me off because it was apparently my fault they don't know how stop signs work.

I'm not sure why things like this trigger such road rage. It's really not that big of a deal. I guess it's just the inconsiderate nature of it. It's not like this was an accident or she didn't see me. It's equivalent to getting in a line for ticket, or at an amusement park or whatever and then right after you get there, someone getting in front of you as if you weren't there.

I highly recommend that everyone who drives get a dashcam. They can be had pretty cheaply and if you are ever in an accident, it can be used to prove the other person was at fault (at least if they were at fault). In this case, there was no accident and it wasn't really even close. However without a camera, had we hit each other, there would be no way to prove that, even though we entered the intersection at the same time, that the other driver never came to a complete stop unless someone else saw what happened and stuck around for a police report.

See the video here:

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