Chart Showing Countries that prefer the US leading The Global Order- Infographics

in data •  6 years ago 


The chart (graph) above is showing countries that prefers the United State Leading the Global Order, and a few that prefer China. Countries like;

  • Russia and
  • Tunisia Prefer china


While the Countries below prefer US;

  • Israel
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • France
  • Poland

While some are blanked (Close calls);

  • Argentina
  • Mexico
  • South Africa

So what does this data means to you? This is partly what is affecting your economy and the price of Cryptocurrencies, Stay Educated!

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Data from past years should be examined then change must be observed.

It shows us meaningfull info

Can you base your comment on this chart? Data from past years counts but this is the recent trend.

I need sth like this;

  • What is the number of Countries prefer US 2017 ? And check 2018
  • What is the median for 2017 and 2018 ? What is the direction changing ?
  • I would investigate the meaningful reasons for these changes

This data shows us;

Big economies still accept US leadership :) Despite Trump Reality