hacking EatSure for free food & exposing customer data

in dataexposure •  3 years ago 

Yeah, I made all this for the thumbnail, REALLY!

when you order from EatSure, you get the amount paid per order credited as Sure Points. this gets automatically credited to your account once the order is delivered. and you can redeem them on later orders, if you have a lot of them you can pay for an order entirely using Sure Points.

also, their kitchen-only restaurants are also available to order from on Zomato & Swiggy. you get SurePoints on those orders as well, but you need to manually enter the 8-digit order CRN(Customer Reference Number?) in their app to claim the points.

What is an IDOR?

Direct Object References is when you ask the server for a file, directory, or any particular information by directly using its reference. for example when you look at a URL with parameter=value in it. a real life scenario? when you go to the ATM and use your debit card to check the balance on your account, it checks your PIN.

Insecure Direct Object Reference is a type of access control vulnerability, when you're able to check your account balance without using your PIN. EatSure has this PIN authentication missing. And if this authentication is not present, you can very well use your neighbor's card(I don't know why you have that) to check balance on his account too.

so you want to claim other people's points with this?

yes, but I need to get a valid CRN first.

to make my life easier, they have a web app, at https://eatsure.com. that helps me see interactions with the server when it fetches the order details for my CRN input.

GET it?!

there is a GET request to /v1/api/get_kitchen_info_data which takes the parameter order_number and shows on the webpage the delicious food that was ordered, date & time, (COVID stuff) medical certificates & temperatures checks of everyone who handled the food and most importantly the Sure Points associated with it. I just had to +1 and get the details of the next order.

(the st parameter is store identifier which is not mandatory, and i won't be focusing much on that. )

there is no rate limiting

and sure enough(pun unintended) I was able to claim the Sure Points for that order. this is because they are not checking if the account who's claiming the points is the same account which placed the order.

unlimited free food for life?!

not quite, when i tried to claim another CRN, the app says i can only claim 1 Zomato/Swiggy order per month

sed life :(

this is mentioned in their FAQs, also the points expire 2 months from order date. to prevent anyone from hoarding points.

Well played Rebel Foods! *slow claps*

Rebel Foods is the parent company that owns EatSure & other cloud kitchen brands.

do the math

but i can still claim one order per month. And in order to get the maximum benefit i need all orders from the last 2 months, sort through them to find that one order which gives me the highest points each month.

what on earth was in that order?!

and yet they say "no mental maths" required!

All I need is to get a veryyyyyyyyyyyyy long list of valid order numbers by +1ing to this order_number and keep searching until i find the order with the maximum sure points. cool! let me post a job requirement on LinkedIn.


Head in the Clouds

for the next part, i'm going to spin up a cloud server to request the API using curl, and store the JSON response. (i used GCP coz i had free credits)

while :
curl -O -s -H $'Host: www.eatsure.com' 
           -H $'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0'
sleep 1m

and another one to do some house-keeping(renaming files to <order_number>.json)

for i in ./get* ; 
mv "$i" "${i/get_kitchen_info_data?order_number=/}.json" ; 

and another one to parse all the JSON files using jq to only find the orders with 5000+ Sure Points value. this would be equal to a minimum ₹250 in which i get a range of options to choose from menu.

for i in ./*.json ; 
jq "[.data.order_details | del(.data.store, .data.brands, .data.customer, .data.location)] | select(.[].sure_points_value > $1) | select(.[].data.order_source == \"Swiggy\" or .[].data.order_source == \"Zomato\") | .[]" "$i" ; 

I'm using cloud to automate this monkey business, bcoz why waste another human's time when you can delegate it to a machine?

but also bcoz these graphs look AWESOME while my scripts run.

But why Isn't there a DARK mode in GCP?!


while parsing the data, I looked at what else the JSON response had, and to my surprise sure points weren't the only valuable information here. it contained private information of the customers, their personal phone number, email, home address. I found mine too.

i struck digital gold, no not crypto

This is PII(Personally Identifiable Information). Spammer & Scammers use this data to craft elaborate scams and trick people into money scams.

but the webpage is not showing any of this so why is this data present in the JSON response?

bcoz API3:2019 Excessive Data Exposure

To develop generic solutions, developers tend to send over all object properties without considering their individual sensitivity, and rely on client side code to perform the data filtering before showing it to the user.

Here, the webpage was only showing the delicious food that was ordered, date & time, medical certificates & temperatures checks (COVID stuff) of everyone who handled the food, and Sure Points associated with it. But, that doesn't mean its the only data the server sent.

what have i done

I’d now found Personally Identifiable Information of all customers ordering from EatSure:

  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Home Address
  • All the Tasty Food they ordered.

I can also start with the first order. From the very beginning when EatSure was called Faasos and get this private data of all the people who have ordered from EatSure/Faasos.

this is the kind of data that's sold on the dark web.

but now I have all this information. without even lifting a finger. that can be sold on the dark web. for extra cash. Viel Spaß.

Actually, that’s not right. It was a joke.... or so they say.

seriously! don't do that!

(ok just one quick question, can I get food in exchange for this data?! Is there a market for that?)


The only way to protect against IDOR is to implement strict access control checks. And to make it easier for the devs, modern web frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Django have such these mechanisms built-in by design.


When did all of this happen?

  • May 14 - I order a Mughlai Chicken Rice Bowl from The Good Bowl via Zomato(it has an omlette on top, i couldn't resist) and discover EatSure. I use EatSure's web app to explore their points system and find API exposing PII.
  • May 15 - I contact Rebel Foods and let them know whats happening.
  • May 18 - Borderlands 3 goes on sale!
  • June 13 - Various friends finish reviewing this post <3
  • June 15 - Rebel Foods team review this post.
  • Today - You read this post instead on doom scrolling social media, nice job you.

How much free food did you order before actually reporting this to Rebel Foods?

not enough.

Are you still hiring for that job you posted?

Sure, here's the link.

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