How to start with data structure and algorithm

in datastructure •  8 years ago 

Most enjoyable way of learning data structures and algorithms is to focus on their applications.

For example, start wondering how

  • E-commerce websites can tell you “people who bought this (whatever you bought) also bought that” which may be of your next interest.

  • Typing a Dr. in your smartphone shows all doctors in your contacts.

  • The source code versioning tool knows and highlights only those changes made after check out.

  • Databases locate records in the table when searching on an indexed field.

  • Banks, airports, hotels, etc can provide service on priority to their premium customers whenever they walk in or phone in.

Google search works.
Remember, those features seem to execute in a fraction of a second regardless of the size of data or customer base. That is the very essence of data structures and algorithms - do stuff correctly, efficiently and elegantly.

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