Hello everyone, I hope you are staying safe and well.
I started paid more attention to Data lately. I thought of sharing some data with you all.
I am keen to achieve financial independence and I recently also grew interest what makes us happy.
I came across a data from Kaggle 'World Happiness'
Blue - longevity
Red - do not have longevity
Money vs Happiness / longevity
I thought the higher GDP would mean the happier people.
But data does not say so. For example Qatar has the highest GDP in 2019. However, the country only achieved rank 29 in 2019. Life expectancy is not great either. Rank 1 country Finland only achieved median level however life expectancy is good.
Social Support vs Happiness / longevity
The data shows many countries seem to provide social support to people. But results vary and it also appears that social support itself does not make people happy or live longer.
Trust in authority / sense of freedom vs happiness / longevity
Surprise, surprise. It looks like the trust in government seems to be a big factor to longevity and happiness.
Take a look at data - Singaporean citizen trusts the government and they live the longest..! I lived in Singapore once. Yes, people trust the government and they feel sense of freedom. But happiness ranking wise Singapore achieved 34.
Japan also achieved longevity however they do not trust the government or feel less sense freedom. This is also true as I grew up in Japan. Data also shows Scandinavian countries and European countries do well in this field.
Generosity vs Happiness / Longevity
The size of bubble represents the generosity.
I was actually surprised to see this result.
Surprisingly, less happier countries get, the more generous people become.
I wonder it is because they want to be generous to feel happy. I lived in Thailand for 6 months. They are not the richest people but I must admit Thai people are quite generous and always seemed happy. Ranking wise, they are happier than Japanese people.
My portfolio is available from; what is your country's situation?
; https://public.tableau.com/shared/3KYGMMBCK?:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_linkFinal thoughts;
Money does not always make people happy.
People will need some sense of security and support from government. Also need some sense of freedom.
Some people choose to be generous despite low GDP (I can only assume they may be less well off)
This data really helps me think what would make me and world happy. I truly hope world can accomplish a true world peace.