10 Tips for Dating: What to Do and What Not to Do

in dating •  2 years ago 

10 Tips for Dating: What to Do and What Not to Do

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Dating can be hard for everyone, not just newbies. It’s a whole new world when you’ve never experienced the joys of meeting someone special, or the pain and heartache of being rejected. So how do you navigate this tricky social situation? Keep reading - we've got all you need to know!

What to do when you start dating

For those first few dates, try to be polite and show a little enthusiasm. If you seem bored, or if you’re not listening to the other person, they might notice and start to feel frustrated. This is especially important if you’re meeting someone new. So, keep an eye out for body language - are they fidgeting, or is their face getting red? You can always ask if they’re okay, or if they’d like you to try to be more enthusiastic.

What not to do when you’re starting out

Don’t be pushy. At the start of a dating relationship, you want to show someone that you’re interested in them, not in getting into their pants. Don’t be too clingy. We all miss our friends and family from time to time, but that’s a whole other thing when you start dating someone. Your new partner might appreciate the time you spend with your friends, but they might also feel left out. Don’t try to kiss them on the first date. This is a really bad idea. You’re not sure how they’ll feel about how you kiss, so it might make them feel uncomfortable. Don’t show up to your date drunk. It’s probably not a good idea to start dating someone who seems like a nice person, but is also completely off their head.

Keep in mind before you go on your next date

Be sure to get to know the other person a bit before you go on your next date. You might want to ask their friends some questions, or see if they’ll let you take them out a few times before you decide if you want to move forward with the relationship. If you’re meeting someone new, try to get to know them a bit better before you start dating them. Try to see things from their point of view, and be genuinely interested in what they have to say. Don’t go on a date with a person you’ve just met, even if they ask. You might be able to get to know them a little better, but if you start dating them before you know them better, you might end up feeling like a huge disappointment.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want

As much as it feels wrong to do so, ask your partner what they want from the relationship. Put yourself in their shoes, and try to imagine how it might feel to be in a relationship with you. Asking what your partner wants from you will help you both to avoid the scenario where one person wants one thing, and the other person wants the opposite. It’s much easier to agree on something if you both know what you want. You might be surprised at how honest your partner is - a lot of people are afraid to say what they want, just because they might be rejected.

Be yourself – and smile!

These are the most important parts of being a person. If you’re being yourself, and you’re smiling, you might be surprised at how attractive you are. Being yourself also means not trying to be someone you’re not. You might have a sweet tooth, or a dark side that you’re not allowed to let out, but you still need to be yourself.

Be honest and respectful at all times

It’s hard to talk about honesty and respect in a single paragraph, but it’s really important. Being honest means letting someone know when you don’t like something, or having the guts to say no. And being respectful means that you don’t treat your partner like they’re not good enough just because you’re in love with someone else. It’s important to respect the person you’re with - they might be your one, and only, shot at true happiness.

Ask how the other person feels about being alone

If someone wants to meet up on their own, don’t try to force them to do it with you. If they don’t want to, respect their decision. If they do want to meet up, ask them if they want you to set up a time and a place or if they’d prefer to just show up. If you can respect their wishes, you might be surprised at how happy it makes them feel.

Be mutual when it comes to meeting up

Sometimes a person is ready to start dating, but they might not have anyone in mind yet. If this is the case, try to be as positive as possible and let them know how great they are. Keep your positive words positive, and avoid telling your new partner how great they are unless they ask for your opinion. This can be a little annoying, but it’s also lightening their load.


If you want to get to know someone and figure out if they’re a great fit for you, then dating is an important step. But it’s also a little nerve-wracking, so try to remember these tips and you’ll be fine! Dating can be exciting, but it's also nerve-wracking. Keep these tips in mind to make your dating life as smooth as possible.

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