Female Dating Tactics: The Possibility of Sex

in dating •  6 years ago 

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Originally defined by Alan Roger Currie, 'the possibility of sex' refers to how women keep men around by making them think that they might get some cookie, when in reality these women have no intention of sleeping with these naive and thirsty men who are foolish enough to fall for this gambit.

Why would a woman do something so despicable? Because that is the only way that she can continue to extract time and resources from men that she has deemed as 'not good enough' for access to her pussy.

These manipulative bitches are crafty and some of them are masters at keeping men running round in circles. Smart men would do well to identify such women early and steer clear of them, however it is a two-way street. Women wouldn't be able to run this manipulative play if men did not let them.

How do you know if a woman is using the possibility of sex to keep you in her thrall? Simple, just make sure that in all of your interactions with women, you make it clear from the beginning what your intentions are. Conventional wisdom tells you that you shouldn't be so direct when going for the bang but that's what women say and you should know better than to take advice from women on how to get with other women. If you tell her you just want to bang and she says yes, you've saved yourself a lot of time and you can get to the fun part quickly. If she says no, you get to next her early and move on to other women who are more receptive to your advances.

Itakuwaje?? Unapea au la?

The woman who gives you a non-definitive answer is the type to use the possibility of sex on you. Any answer such as 'maybe', or "I'll think about it," or "I'm waiting for the right time which is when the moons of Jupiter line up with the chocolate starfish in my ass-crack' is a massive red-flag and you should eject yourself from the situation immediately. Manipulative women will never say 'no' outright, and even if she maybe does give it up in the future, she'll do so begrudgingly and the chances are slim.

I'll give you an example of one such manipulative woman that I dealt with. She seamed eager to jump my bones from the moment we met but she always backed out when it came time put out. One night, she was supposed to come over so that we can seal the deal but she flaked and I decided to respond in kind by ghosting her. She called and called, and I refused to pick because I do not allow women to jerk me around like that. Eventually, she showed up at my door all apologetic and made up for it.

I should have nexted her anyway but I made the mistake of letting her back into my life. A few nights later we were halfway to shagging when she started giving me that "Oh...you know...but...hmmm".

I don't allow that shit in my house, so I kicked her ass out in the middle of the night. When she realized that I was serious about kicking her out she suddenly became receptive but I wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice. If a woman wants to bang you, she will bang you silly but if she only puts out when she feels that she has to then there's something that she's after, and it ain't your dick.

When dealing with such women you have to realize that your time is the primary asset that they are after. When you take her to the movies- that's her fucking you. When you let her ramble on to you about her feelings- that's her fucking you. When she needs a strong man to help her move house and you help her- that's her fucking you. And the more she fucks you, the less likely it is that she will let you fuck her for real because she doesn't have to. She's already getting everything that she wants out of you therefore she doesn't feel the need to give it up. It's the same way that a guy has no reason to wife a chick that he's banging three times a week without any kind of commitment outside of the bedroom.

If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you need to take your ball and go home. The rules of the game that she's making you play are unfair to you, so don't play or you'll just be another thirsty simp to her.

Loser women play this game because they have to get something out of their pussies. It's the only asset they have that's worth anything so they use it as currency. The less that they have to give out, and the more that they can get while letting you think that you might get a taste, the more secure she feels. Don't fall for this bullshit! Who you are as a man is worth more than her pussy.

Treat your time likes it's gold and her pussy is bronze. X amount of your time is equal to 5X of her pussy, and that's the secret that she doesn't want you to know.

Happy hunting!

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upvote for redpill. Wish my vote was worth something.

haha, me too