How to tell your date you love them (without fearing the results)

in dating •  7 years ago  (edited)

We hesitate to share the truth of our feelings for one reason only — fear. Will they reject us?

That's why you get all this crazy advice on the internet and everywhere. Tricks and game!

Eliminate neediness and activate your power by using “The Monologue Technique” to communicate your emotions.

That means you don't expect an answer from the person. But you don't expect them not to answer either. You don't expect anything. You just say what you wanna say.

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Tell it carefully, or do not tell, just make her to feel it!

Thanks for your nice comment, got me thinking....

Eso no es fácil, ya que existen personas que no solo no expresan amor, sino que piensan que por el simple hecho de estar juntos todo queda sobreentendido y se cierran a toda posibilidad a sincerarse y tener una relación sana

I would like to share a book with you that I know for a fact will change your life forever for the good.

first of all am commenting you quested......
and again what you put out here is really great and amazing

you just explode your mind ( you just say what yo wanna say)

Thank you for your kind words, what did you like most about it?

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The dating process is just needlessly complicated. Authenticity is key to a successful date which leads to a fulfilling relationship. Short term tactics are just that - short term.

Sounds awesome! Thank you for your kind words!

of course, when you don't expect anything, you cannot be deceived... Good advice, thank you !

When you say it like that it makes me wonder...



I think facing ur fear is the fair, its either a yes or a no and whatever results, we must be able to accept it...but yeah, of course this is ideally💕😊 😬

Thanks for your great comment. Sounds like you've thought about this a lot!!! FOLLOWING YOU!!

Thank you so much...💕😹


Never tell that person when you gathered in a group its a bad idea, personally the best way is to do it when taking a walk.

Why is that? How do you know that?