What do you ACTUALLY want in a woman? | Dating Sashavational

in dating •  6 years ago  (edited)

 If you’re a fan of some classic Sasha dating advice then today you are in luck!

Let me share a secret with you guys okay? And this is one of the most important things that’s ever gonna come out of my mouth…

Does everyone here know what they actually want when it comes to women?

If you really want to find amazing girls, and I know you guys do, and they’re out there, believe me, and you can find them…

But how are you gonna make a girl really feel appreciated, feel special, feel that they’re worth it, if you don’t even know what it is about her that you like?

The way to connect with those women that you really want to connect with is to make them feel appreciated for why and how they’re amazing.

So for me, obviously I like girls with a sense of humor. A girl that can joke around, have fun, and I can make fun of her and she makes fun of me and it’s just like we have this great fun thing.

For me that’s amazing! And I know I like that in a woman.

So when a woman shows me that – because I know I like that – I can say “Hey you know what? You’re freaking awesome, you’re cool! You can’t believe it, most girls are boring and they don’t say anything but you’re making jokes! You’re so funny, you’re amazing, I love that about you!

“Okay so BOOM! – how does she feel?

Of course she feels good because she knows I like her for something other than “hey nice tits”

Here’s the thing…Every woman, no matter what, no matter how hot she is, every single woman out there –  even if she just wants to get laid, and believe me they all want to get laid – even if she just wants to get laid she wants to feel that there’s something more…

That there’s something special about her

That you don’t just only want one thing…

So even if a woman just wants to get laid tonight – even if you meet her in a club and she just wants to get laid – she wants to feel like “Oh you know what? There’s a possibility something might happen… I think he likes me.”They want to feel that there’s something there.If you’re looking for one girl or you want to have multiple girls, it doesn’t really matter. Any girl you want to connect with has to feel like “Holy shit! This guy understands me! He wants to actually get to know me! He gives a shit about who I am! He’s curious about me!

“And the only way to do that is to to know what it is about women that you actually love. What type of girl do you like? What is it that you love about women?Then you need to make her feel that you appreciate those things about her.It’s that freaking simple. 

So I ask you guys what you want in a woman and most of the time I hear “I don’t know… she’s gotta be hot with nice tits and be awesome and stuff…”

Yeah… nice tits and awesome… okay...

What girl is he gonna find that’s gonna feel special for that? 

“Hey your tits are amazing!”
“Oh my god you understand me! I wanna be with you forever because you like my tits!”


This is really important because if you don’t know exactly what you want – the things make you happy… how the fuck are you gonna get it? 

Need help figuring out what you ACTUALLY want and how to get it?

Get in touch! 

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Oh, you like big tits,
I HAVE big tits!
Its a match made in heaven.

Sounds like a dizney movie.
My trouble is i am still programmed by dizney movies.

I appreciate that you appreciate how to key into what a woman appreciates.

And honestly, it doesn't hurt to actually listen to people.

Well done!