in datum •  7 years ago  (edited)

What is Datum
They're propelling another decentralized stage that enables clients to store their information on a safe system that keeps running on the blockchain and utilizations savvy contracts.

Datum intend to offer clients the opportunity to retake control of their information as opposed to offering it to organizations who at that point make a benefit from offering it. The stage will likewise offer a commercial center which enables clients themselves to offer their information and removes the mediator.

What's the issue with the present market?

Numerous organizations offer 'free' administrations, anyway they at that point profit from offering your information. Amusingly the main individual who for the most part doesn't benefit from this deal is simply the client. The cost of purchasing a people information can differ from around $1 to $100s.

Organizations, for example, Facebook or Google gather your information which at that point enables organizations to purchase advertisements with them and after that objective their promotions at you all the more successfully.

Datum intends to enable clients to benefit from their information themselves by offering it specifically to organizations on the new decentralized stage.

The Datum Solution

The new stage will be accessible for a wide range of clients:

Clients: Users will have the choice to present their information on the stage and afterward given the choice of offering it, by being on a decentralized system clients will realize that their information is totally protected.

Clients will have the capacity to utilize the easy to utilize Datum application which enables them to choose what information they wish to offer available to be purchased.

Capacity: The new stage will require a ton of capacity, clients will have the choice of offering stockpiling to the stage.

Purchasers: People wishing to get to information, clients will have the choice of enabling access to their information for nothing or for a charge. The system will expect customers to check their own particular data with the goal that clients know precisely who's obtaining their information. Clients offering stockpiling will get token prizes.

Token holders: Token holders will oversee the decentralized stage.

By what method will it work?

The new stage is intended to be simple for clients to get it:

The client initially presents their information on to the decentralized stage, there will be a little gas expense to process.

A capacity hub will get the information and it will be recreated on to different hubs to make it safe.

A shopper indicates enthusiasm for purchasing the information.

The client gets an offer for the buy of their information, the subtle elements of the purchaser will be shown. The client at that point has the choice of tolerating, dismissing or making a counter offer.

In the event that the client acknowledges the offer then they'll get DAT tokens, the decoding key will at that point be sent to the purchaser.

The DAT Token

Clients will have the capacity to buy information by utilizing the new DAT token, once the tokens are sent they get pulverized, this will make DAT a deflationary resource as more tokens gradually get annihilated.

Clients will likewise have the choice of enrolling to set up a capacity hub which requires a little installment of DAT, once their hub is running they'll get a level of every exchange.

Datum ICO Details

Total supply: 3,000,000,000

Tokens accessible available to be purchased: 1,530,000,000

Acknowledged monetary forms: ETH as it were.


The team behind the Datum looks solid and are based all around the globe from Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong. They are shown in the image below

Useful Links:
Official Website: https://tokensale.datum.org

Whitepaper: https://tokensale.datum.org/assets/Datum-WhitePaper.pdf

Official Telegram:https://t.me/datumnetwork

Watch the brief video about Datum

Authored by Ericks1
Email: [email protected]

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Please what is the minimum contribution and currency accepted? Is there restriction regarding countries that can participate?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

ICO was in last year already.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Looks interesting... Will make my research and consider for investment