David Seaman is a Coward and a Lying Bullshit Artist

in davidseaman •  7 years ago 

David Seaman is a Coward and a Lying Bullshit Artist

First off I will prove the claim titled above. That Seaman is a continuous liar and bullshit artist.

Known David Seaman Blatant Lies

  1. He was censored and had his videos removed due to a pending lawsuit, which has been proven false as his videos were "removed by the user", meaning himself.

  2. Colleague Ashley Jones was killed over David's coverage of PizzaGate = inherently not true. There is absolutely zero evidence for this.

  3. David claims the Pegasus Photographer's ( Pegasus Photographer was just a person working undercover for a few YouTubers including me and Seaman taking photos of Pegasus Museum) David claimed that photographer's close friend was stabbed to death over PizzaGate = 100% false. The photographer told all of us it had nothing to do with PizzaGate it was just a standard theft gone wrong, yet Seaman then goes on YouTube and claims it had to do with HIS PizzaGate coverage.

  4. Seaman in his hit piece on my and my Fiancee claims I never mention Laura Silsby = 110% false. During my PizzaGate Protest Speech I mentioned Laura Silsby and the 33 children, I mentioned this fact countless times in films.

  5. Seaman used his time on the stage at the PizzaGate Protest to talk about HE is a victim = 110% false. David is not a victim, he is a bullshit artist with a victim complex.

  6. David refuses to cover the Zionist connection to pedo-sadism. In fact David refuses to criticize anything the political leaders of Zionism do.

  7. David claims I am posting PizzaGate films to somehow promote my Fiancee's MTV career, because I thanked her in one single tweet for filming at the Protest. This should be obviously false to anyone with a brain. My fiancee is a stay at home mom now, has not done a challenge since we met nor is going to. Her career on TV is over so there is no point to promote her, nor would we have to. MTV calls all the time and she always says no.

  8. David claims we are criticizing him for "promoting some old marketing book" = lie. I have never heard this claim ever. The actual claim is that David is doing all this to promote himself. The reason the book is brought up is because David wrote a book on how to do exactly what we are criticizing him for: self promotion. There is even a famous interview now, where Seaman states " I would protest gravity if I thought it was going to me buzz": Video Link

  9. David Seaman is a proponent of the "Mandela Effect" and other completely bogus theories with absolutely 0 evidence put out by conspiritards such as David Wilcock. David would literally say anything, promote any conspiracy so long as he thinks it will get him views.

  10. At the PizzaGate Protest the following lies occurred:

  • I approached David Seaman off camera out of respect for his right to say no to the interview, I walked up to him, politely shook his hand, introduced myself and asked him to do an interview to clear things up between us. David claims in his video I "demanded an interview" which is completely not true, ask any bystanders.

  • What resulted after me asking David nicely in person, was him reacting like a little child and refusing to talk with me other than to yell the following lies. He stated many times he had "Never Seen a Single Video of Mine". He also stated that I claimed he "stole my work" (I never claimed this, so maybe he hadn't seen a video), however he also said I called him a Zionist, which I did and I stand by so therefore he has seen my work, and therefore the claim about not seeing my work is a lie. I should also note in his video about me he admits to having seen my work in the past, once again caught in a lie.

  • David Seaman claims "I never publish under my own name", when my first published information exposing the elite and the pedosadists was my self published book "The Lost Truth" which is published in my real name, I have done videos about online. I have even shown my Facebook account many times on YouTube which is in my real name. So this is another blatant lie about me.

  • I made a video response to David, calling him out for dragging my fiancee into an argument between us. I am also angry that Seaman included a screenshot of my daughter's name in his video about me. However my video response was flagged down and removed for bullying for calling David a coward and a liar, both of which he is and I have proof for both. However David's video lying about me, and dragging my family into an argument between us = totally acceptable to YouTube. The truth is if you criticize Zionism, you get censored on YouTube.

  • Due to being flagged for bullying David Seaman, YouTube has removed my right to Live Stream for Three Months minimum, maybe even permanently. David claims no connection to this flagging, which makes 0 sense as the video in question was all about him. This means I cannot Live Stream the March Against Monsanto, it means I cannot have my new Sunday Night Google Hangout Show for at least three months. David Seaman has effectively censored my ability to speak out live by using YouTube to remove criticism of himself.

  • David could have discussed all this with me in person like a man, but he didn't because he is a coward. So he ran away and then went online to harass my family. Anyone supporting this type of behavior is a moron.

  1. David claims he was fired from the Huffington Post = blatant lie. The Huffington post is almost all unpaid contributors, the only thing that happened to Seaman is he had his right to publish with them revoked for self promotional bullshit. Seaman is still on their list of contributors, his previous work still up on their site. They just stopped letting him publish with them, he was NEVER FIRED because he never as far as anyone knows had a paying job there, if so let's see some proof that you were a salaried journalist, which will never be produced because it doesn't exist. Seaman has literally been lying since his first video.

This list of lies is far longer than 11, however it is obvious that David Seaman is a complete and total coward, bullshit artist and a self promoting piece of shit.

YouTube Censored My Video

BitChute Did Not Censor it:


This Post is the Last Time I will Ever Mention Seaman Stain

People are sick of the bickering, none more so than me. I came to the realization that continuing this argument past this post and the video I am posting is useless. I am just giving David more attention which is what he wants. So I am done. I absolutely refuse to say his name, talk about him, mention him or discuss him period. If you tweet something about him to me I am not responding, if you comment about him on my channel I won't answer you. I am 100% officially done talking about this lying psychopathic piece of shit who is exploiting a serious situation for his own gain.

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Heh heh, I wonder how he likes journalism now?

I don't know how much exposure the following video has had...I only recently saw it as a post on a forum of which I am a member. I haven't seen it posted on steemit yet, and I think a fairly convincing argument is made regarding the *fraud/BSArtist allegation.


*P.S. FWIW, my intuition was saying the same thing after watching maybe five of his videos back when #pizzagate was first breaking. I remember thinking, in response to my gut feeling, "This is clickbait! This guy is full of shit. No research presented...just rambling/bulletin-pointing...getting ad revenue not deserved. Fuck this guy!!!"



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