My application for both the translator and language moderator position at DaVinci & Utopian [Croatian]

in davinci-application •  6 years ago  (edited)


My name is Luka, I live in Zagreb, Croatia and I'm a student of the University of applied sciences specializing in information technologies. So far, I have learned basics of coding in Python, HTML and C++. Some other programs I'm learning about are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel and other Microsoft based programs. My first contact with the English language was as early as kindergarten when I learned my first words. From there I continued learning the language throughout my educational process when I found out how important it will be for my future. By the 8th grade I was already semi-fluent in the language and by the time I finished high school, I would dare to say that I was very close to fluency. Now, more than 5 years later I'm very confident in my knowledge of the English language and would like to utilize it to help projects that would benefit from my knowledge of both, the English and the Croatian language.


As before-mentioned, I want to utilize my extensive knowledge, especially in the field of information technologies, to help open-source projects by translating them from English to my native language, Croatian. I've found many projects that require such services but most of them are either half-way translated, poorly translated or not translated at all. This led me to believe that there are very few Croatians willing to contribute their time for such tasks, or they just aren't competent enough to complete the job. Myself and @ocupation would like to form and grow a team of Croatian translators that will selflessly offer their time and knowledge to help grow and strengthen the open-source community and any project that would benefit from our work.

English voiceover


Zovem se Luka, živim u Zagrebu, u Hrvatskoj i student sam Tehničkog Veleučilišta - smjer IT. Do sada sam naučio osnove programiranja u Phyton-u, HTML-u i C++-u. Neki drugi programi o kojima učim su Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel i drugi Miscrosoft programi. Moj prvi kontakt s engleskim jezikom je bio još u vrtiću, kada sam naučio prve riječi. Od tada sam nastavio učiti jezik kroz svoje školovanje kada sam shvatio koliko će biti važan za moju budućnost. Do 8. razreda, bio sam već polu-tečan ensgleski govornik, a do kraja srenje škole postao sam, usudio bih se se kazati, gotovo tečan govornik. Sada, više od 5 godine kasnije, jako sam pouzdan u svoje znanje engleskog jezika i volio bih ga iskoristiti da pomognem projektima otvorenog koda kojima bi koristilo moje znanje engleskog i hrvatskog jezika.


Kao što sam spomenuo, želim iskoristiti svoje prošireno znanje, pogotovo u polju informatičke tehnologije, da pomognem projektima otvorenog koda, prevođenjem ih s engleskog na moj materinji jezik, hrvatski. Našao sam mnogo projekata koji zahtjevaju takve usluge ali većina ih je polu prevedena, loše prevedena ili nije prevedena uopće. To me dovelo do vjerovanja da ima vrlo malo Hrvata koji su voljni doprinjeti svoje vrijeme takvim zadacima ili jednostavno nisu dovoljno kompetentni da izvrše taj posao. Ja i @ocupation bi htjeli oformiti i izgraditi tim hrvatskih prevoditelja koji će nesebično ponuditi svoje vrijeme i znanje u cilju rasta i jačanja zajednice otvorenog koda i projekata kojima bi koristio naš rad.

Croatian voiceover

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Oh. So you are luka. And so you bear the same surname with my favorite player luka modric in Croatia but playing for real

Our surnames are different but we have the same first name (it's one of the most popular names in Croatia) :D

That's nice to hear. I've met many people on here that like him. Especially after the last World Cup. That's when he became really popular amongst football fans across the globe.

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