The Dawn Cloud - Keeping the record straight...

in dawn-network •  8 years ago 

some more scribblings, this one is more marketing than education.

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So how is this any ifferet from a VPN? or the new blockchain Msytereum that actually gives you MYST tokens for using your extra bandwitdh!

Monetize your CPU GPU HardDrive and now Banwidth with Mystereum...and we need to now monetize our Ram? Monetize our DVD drive Maybe have a system where your computer just burns DVDS to mae backusp and you mail teh DVDs in or just eep em in a safe and yeah we could have decentralized DVD optical media storage archives sice DVDS are solar pair proof and some DVDS/CDs have gold plated Simthosnian spceicla editon DVDs that can last 1000 years!!! as opposed to 30 year cheap dvd lifespan SPenda litte more and get a DVD that lasts FOREVER!

nothing to do with a vpn, this is just a database replication protocol, based on gossip and quorums.