DBIX update

in dbix •  8 years ago  (edited)

I am happy that I did not re-invest in DBIX, and got out in the 40s. I think it will take some time before this sees the type of volume we saw over a month ago. There are huge drop offs in volume...and I see this heading back to 5-8 dollars. https://twitter.com/arabianchain?lang=en

(always do your own research and due diligence, I am just sharing my experiences, this is not any formal investment advice)

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ok friend
what do you think about bcc , is there a chance tha it goes up?

BCC has gone up from the 40s when I started to now at 79/80. Have you signed up for bitconnect? If you decide to join, I wouldnt buy anything right now. I would wait for it to settle back to the upper 60s. There are always peaks and troughs. Just my thoughts.

no not yet
ok i folloow you in your acts and we stay at contact
good strategy thanks