Oh Teacher! (Book 2) Chapter 8: Tony

in dbooks •  6 years ago 

When Sadie told me of her plans for the coming weekend, I was surprised to find that I couldn’t wait for the time to pass until then. I had done a lot of thinking after our last session. I first accepted the fact that I had very little choice but to agree to Sadie’s demands. If word got out about my experiences with Jane, I would be right back in the same situation again of being forced to move house. I couldn’t afford to let that happen, so I had to carry out Sadie’s wishes.

Having reached that stage in my thoughts, I also convinced myself that even should we be discovered, the fallout couldn’t be anywhere near as bad as it was with Jane. Although Sadie was a student of mine online, there was no school involved at all. We were just two adults enjoying each other’s company. There was the age gap to consider, 25 and 18, which might be deemed unsuitable, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. And then there was the biggest consideration of all – the sex was bloody good!

I didn't kid myself that I was in love with Sadie, or she with me. I had no wish for us to get married and raise a family. Heaven forbid! We were just two consenting adults enjoying sex. Sadie would be going to college in a few weeks, and I was in no doubt whatsoever that with her looks, body, and sexual appetite, she would quickly be enjoying further liaisons with other students. However, I did look forward to when she came home during the holidays.
When Friday night finally arrived, I found it damn nigh impossible to get to sleep. Images of Sadie kept invading my mind, together with thoughts of what it would be like to tie her up and do just whatever I wanted to her. This meant that it was all I could do to keep my hands off my cock. To say that I was primed would be a gross understatement!

However, I did eventually manage to get to sleep, only to dream of Sadie yet again. Images of Jane eating out Sadie while I watched and played with myself filled my dream. It was a huge turn-on, and I was sorry to wake up before the dream was complete.

I got out of bed and went down to find an envelope on my doormat. It contained a key and a note from Sadie that read “My parents are going away mid-afternoon. Come round at 7.30 tonight. I’ll be upstairs waiting for you.”

The image of Sadie being ready and waiting fills my mind all day to the extent that I can’t concentrate on anything. It’s just as well that I don’t have any online classes on a Saturday – I’d be totally useless!

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