Play and Earn, Dcrops

in dcrops •  3 years ago 

when i first joined Splinterlands, the name by that time was SteemMonsters as the game and the whole community was built on STEEM blockchain, i never was too pressing on my friends about joining me in that adventure
i did made some posts about the game ,you can check them for yourself if you have the patience to go down my profile posts, but i never was too pushy

today ,after of course this great success of the game, i have to face their complaints about why i didn't push them harder to get on board by then !
my answer is that if the game didn't moon ,nobody would even care about it

let me tell you that because of Splinterlands i brought 3 real-life friends on board on HIVE blockchain which i consider a success
but this post is not about Splinterlands
it is about Dcrops

i have already made an introductory post about dcrops here
today i wanna walk you around a bit more


first of all without trying to manipulate you i wanna tell you that you never know what the future of this game hold for us
just imagine what if we are dealing with another successful hype at its very first steps
isn't that enough to make you wanna jump on the train now you have the chance?

everybody is saying that timing is the most important factor in crypto-world
the right time to invest in something can change your life

i have no idea if Dcrops can change my life but i will certainly give it a try and i feel privileged i got myself involved very very early
actually i have already put more crypto in the game than the funds i invested initially in Splinterlands
you see all these years i grew stronger and now i have the financial ability to get involved in a project with more power!


anyway i said too much about the investment opportunity Dcrops provides lets try to see the gameplay
four seasons we have
as in real life the game has four seasons
winter, spring, summer, autumn
each season lasts 15 days
during these 15 days you can plant your seeds which are aplicable to the specific season
each seed has a specific period of time to mature
after maturity level has acomplished you can harvest your grown product and you can sell it for shares
according to the number of shares you posses you get your an amount of CROPS ( ingame currency already tradable on HIVE-ENGINE )

there is nothing more complicated at the moment
i'm almost 100% sure that the game will evolve in future, it cannot stay at this level and we will have more challenging tasks to complete and play

till now i like it very much cause i can learn it step by step as it grows and become more experienced and a better player when the game has fully launched all its features
in the meantime i make some small crypto out of it which keeps even more happy

i say you must come on board
of course you should not listen to me, you should make your own research before anything
but in case you are curious you can hit my link
or go straight to the website
i hope to see you ingame Farmers!

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