in ddaily •  6 years ago  (edited)

Day #6 #perhapsyouneedalittleguatemala We think of a place and maybe in our heads it is dangerous, a crazy place to go. Yet often we are simply mistaken. Today i stumbled into another side of Guatemala. Culture, Art, Craft beer. Here you get to meet Marcos, one of the creators of the #perhapsyouneedalittleguatemala hashtag check it out. So many amazing places, people, and things to do here in Guatemala.

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Looks the part, some great art too, will add to my travel list, its getting longer and longer 💯🐒



well well well, I am blind as a bat. This however caught my attention.
I tried to think of every which way to contact you when all hell broke loose on steemit earlier this month I gotta give you my discord ID number or something so that does not happen again. the only discord channel I have thats related to steem is the Steemusa discord. anyways its nice to see a post from you.

Well, that's pretty cool. I like the architecture too.

Interesting project mate! #perhapsyouneedalittleguatemala

to be honest: I need a lot guatemala :D

Inspiring as ever and nice music taste my friend! Sta-Sta-Sta-StateOfTheArt *sing

I liked the transition 2:19 but I saw that you bumped right into the frame :D lol
But I wouldn't tell the curator ^^
Really cool inspiring art pieces. I like the doodle 2:34 the most :)

The best things in life are surprises and spontanous happenings


P.S. next time a list of the artists would be cool to see in your post :)