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Of course you can. nobody can be on 24/7. even robots will have their maintenance periods I guess ;)

I know you're right Hec. Just trying to justify it I guess. Too much Gary Vee, lol.

Generally speaking, Too much of anything is not good however too much of Gary Vee is good.

I would recommend this book for you.

Good call. Thanks Nathan.

You have to prevent burn out. Steem is low right now, so either invest big or take a rest. Either way, put your health first.

Plus, I don't see this a hustle. I see it as a way of making friends and money at the same time.

The partiko app will make things easier.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for stopping by. I totally agree with what you said, but making content is a hustle, even though it's fun. I'm constantly improving and seeking to make more compelling content, the sort of content that I would enjoy watching. I am improving, but sometimes I just need to switch off and watch Doctor Who or something.

LOL. I meant in general. I haven't uploaded a video in 4 days. I'm OK with that. It means I can build tension for the next video. And Doctor Who is cool.

Posted using Partiko Android