Dear @Dayleeo // 11th November 2k18 // Sunday morning vibes, eggs, coffee and a dream.

in dear-dayleeo •  6 years ago 

I’m trying to work out what that first picture is.

I think it’s an oil drip tray but the perspective is throwing me completely off, either way, I’m super glad your car is all serviced and maintained, as that car is completely yours it makes sense to keep it maintained and looked after, it’s a great car. Props to you for paying that off, that’s a big life achievement goal right there.

Yeah I’m glad you had a good day with dad today, I kinda went borg like on the new template stuff anyway, I’m not where I wanna be with it yet and I still have some tests but once I have one locked down it should make production of the daily, weekly, monthly, spur of the moment things a lot easier, especially mobile, that’s what I’m excited about more than anything, making custom things for ‘in term’ updates — anyway, yeah, totally deep dived that yesterday.

Ah, boy has his eggs, was a big worried about them actually, I made poppet breakfast yesterday and made bacon and eggs and after I had done hers I cracked ANOTHER 3 eggs like, erm, what am I doing, so I had put them in fridge in the container, was a big worried about them being in there overnight but I asked the internet and it said it was fine to use them within five days, I wouldn’t risk more than 24hrs if you as me but ok internet! :)

Super interesting that you had an all around dad day, that’s super important to commit to memory like that, sounds like you had a hella convo on the subject as well, I know you like to get into those things — never heard of global dimming, but I’ll tell you about how we are destroying the floor of the ocean if you like and how the warmth is slowly falling down and eroding the seafloor, so that’s a thing now.


Pretty sure the dimming is not dim sum related but hey it might be easier to understand if we had to use dim sum as the objects to explain it (yay, let’s go dim sim life) omg you totally got me thinking about the buffet place again with Bella in the new year, let’s get it! :)

Awesome, I’m glad you had some adult bonding time biza, every dad and daughter should share that moment on planet earth together, it’s important you have that key cornerstone that you carry with you, like a horcrux of data and legacy from previous generations.

I’m pumped that you had that experience yesterday, remember it, mark it down in the annuals of the dayle, you’ll have times when you need to track back to it, remember how it made you feel and remember how close it made you to your own flesh and blood and DNA and it will get you through a lot of things in life if you have a waypoint to track back to and start over from or just be reminded of those basic values that can set is up for so much more.

Ha! I love the fact that now when you need to kill the day or the week ahead it’s the girl in the glasses with the cigarette on with her picture under her arm leaving the office, what film is that, I gotta watch that film — it looks badass, which btw, we need to watch a film tonight, I don’t wanna hear anything else about it, that’s what needs to happen — ok? good! — remote wine times (somehow) tomorrow thou.

Yeah don’t worry too much about the list, I’m sure that when you really look at it and the number of times you’ve been here you’ve already got a bunch of processes in place — in the grand scheme of things you have plenty of time, would be nice to make a move in December but with the additional costs passed a flight I’m not sure how feasible that is, could be sleeping bags in the back of the car situation biza maybe? (Your car obv!)

Ladies, get you a man who will make lists with you.
Just not mine.
Find your own.

HAHHA, that made me laugh with that gif, that gif was everything, man, gifs really did give us a great ability to remix our conveyance of an emotion in our little interactive penpal letters, while there is something to be said for the clarity and focus of writing a pen and paper letter (and everyone should do it) there is also a lot to be said for mixing information together in a trans media expressive way — I’m so looking forward to the artists and creatives going to the moon with space x in a few years time, that’s really gonna be something incredible.

Man, this first coffee did not touch the sides and it merely tickled my synapses a little bit, looks like it’s gonna be round two re-up on that in a second mam — I need to refill the ancient waters and get back into a groove today, I’ve got a bit of audio to re-record and finish the last one of the first set and get that over to them, I think then I’m gonna spend some time on the scripts of the other, close out the week on a high, let later we can movie time.

If you wanna start a doc in google we can both work on it together in real time and that way we can jump into different blocks with whatever is on our mind and what we are thinking about, draft it out, I know it seems like a lot of logistics but I think we can fit it around our weeks if we take at least half a day a week between now and the end of the year just dedicated in resolving these things — first thing you need to do tomorrow is get an appointment with the dentist situation, lock down all stateside things.

Biza, I’m not sure what it is but I’m like excited again, maybe it’s the learning of a new tool and seeing how far I can go with that, or if it’s maybe designing like ten template styles for that but I can certainly see myself doing a little step through course on building them out and then at the end of it promoting the templates, maybe one FREE and a PRO pack or subscription based thing, I wonder how difficult it would be to like build some kind of DELEGATION subscription manager — like subscribe for this amount and get access to X for 30 days, hmmm.

Anything that makes this year close out nicely, next year be ACTIVE and give us ability to GROW together I’m gonna fight for right? Not just plod along, I wanna be jogging at the very least into the new year, I realise it’s a little bit WORK right now but I think that’s fine if it brings about the resolutions we have set ourselves ya know, I think I was spending too much time looking around the edges of it all — kinda dumb, but I guess that’s what focus issues does, you end up focusing on the wrong things like an out of focus camera not understanding how to frame the subject ;)

I’ve been having #DOFproblems but we better now :)

Ok, time to crush some ancient water, rework this script, reboot machine into another VM, do some work on the screencasts, book some hours in, then get back later for modding and such like, let I can pick up this stuff again in screen flow, I was literally playing with it all yesterday working out nesting assets together and how to make the timeline dynamic, I think it’s gonna be a game changer for my mental state because I won’t get anxiety about the time period of the ‘after’ part — it will be record, one-shot, knowing that it’s topped and tailed and I can send straight out from there, I might need to hire someone cheap for SEO and stuff for the youtube stuff but it could be a CRANK that stuff out when inspired situation.

I’ll be ready to chat with you at rollover time today for the rest of the day from them so take it slow this morning, plenty of lemon water, slowly rise into the day, don’t sprint at it, take it easy, take it Sunday morning issue, we have lots of time after rollover to debate stuff over a cuppa coffee and let the fingers do the keyboard walk-EN! :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

ps. .. . .

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Oh dayyyummm coming in HOT with the triple threat walken combo- you know that’s probably my favorite video of all time right ? Lol this post really made me smile- especially when I said u felt excited again/ that’s what it’s all about- to chase down work that makes ya feel that way- like we’re doing the right thing with our time...

Also 100% to movie times and the gif I believe is from the series MadMen- I never saw it all the way through but I’m down ;) I know we have lots of series to watch 💕 EEEEEEKKKK I CANT WAIT