Dear @Dayleeo // 23rd November 2k18 // 06:32am, I made the 5am live chat, lolz.

in dear-dayleeo •  6 years ago 

Hey there, good morning from the dark waking misty morning of Friday from this side of the planet here in the uk. Decided it made sense to just go with it, wake up and make progress, taking some tips from you but first I wanted to write back, the way I look at this if I can finish up in the next thirty minutes then I’ve got a straight 2/3 hrs run from 7am till 9am and then I can just chill and make my eggs and do my creative stuffs.

it was good to chat yesterday and flip some of that thinking around, I had just gotten into a hole I think, but I’m the mouse sprinting around making butter to climb back out! ;)

reading ya post now, you can make me a drink anytime baybee! Happy thanksgiving and all that, I know you got some care package foods from mum so that makes me feel pretty good that you got something in return, straight fire!

Super glad you’ve got a doggo around to decompress with this week, also additional funds always helps as well right, props for turning up each and everyday, I know it can be a lot but hey, we’ve also aligned a lot this year and that’s important right for the relative short term, feeling a lot more clarity after yesterday - thankful for the ability to sound off with ya.

Yep, back to backed my supplements with water, I’m about to re-up on the water, I’m a toilet driven walking machine too, back and forth, certainly clearing me out which is good -- I think I’m dry as a bone inside, I must be! — we have straight WORK to do your absolutely right!

as for puppa, she’s a young un, she just wants to run and explore and get amongst it eh? Ha! bless that little chicken breast drumstick, fluffy floof of an animal, at least your both getting plenty of loves out of the deal — as for the scooby stuff maybe she’s a little freaked out her owner is not around either and she does not know how to deal with that as such ya know?

i think she’s really taken to you anyway from what I can see by the photos, bless, yeah, two overwhelmed souls together giving each other all the loves, awww. good doggo! :) — glad you’re having a bit of time for reflection, it’s important in the middle of all that sprinting to be able to give a bit of time for that, keeps you fighting for what you want, where ya wanna be and with who, keep pushing, that’s what we are here for, advance!

As for meal prep and health wise — well, yes, of course that’s been an issue but not something that can’t be resolved quickly, swapping out heaters, new mini hover and I’ve already started on the new supplements, day two of turmeric re-up so I think that’s gonna help a lot in the coming month.

Also this morning flipping it around or at least getting up that little bit earlier, I think if I can do a bit of candle burning both ends for this end of month and next that’s gonna be a solid start for the next year, christmas time is always a bit of an awkward one that’s for sure, I’m excited for the hunter/gather type stuff we will end up doing early next year and I know we will get setup pretty fast and activate some on some of the resolutions — if there is one thing I know about us it’s that once it’s on, it’s on.

Weirdly I had had toast with coffee first thing so I’ve had my daily bread, I’ve just gotta get the eggs on the go now to top that off! :) get a bit of that protein life and flush out the toxins with that ancient water, I’m going in on that in the next two hours while I get these other videos done — I’ll be glad to close up on that client today or tomorrow and then it’s straight up hunting down other work.

I do realise that I need to do some example green screen videos for the site so people can see that I do that, maybe I need to add another two sections to that list of six, I think I did originally have it but I took them off because I did not have a piece that was good enough at the time — now I’ve got the new template setup maybe I need to make a dedicated one for that to go along with the @ampsteem stuff.

I’m doing good today already, I know this morning at least will be productive, I’m ready to get things done for the client and I’m got plenty of time between now and sunday to get any additional stuff they need done and then that should be the close up for that client, if I can get it done this morning then extra awesome because then I can get straight into creative stuff tomorrow afternoon — I’ve got seven days to finish up strong!

Gonna finish up here, send you big hugs, tell you I’m proud of you, your doing great, switching up those energies, making that paper, being there for everyone, got some big real life hugs for ya when ya get here and I know we will get the logistics sorted of everything early 2019 crushed.

We got things to do, fish and chips to eat ;)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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Why did I have a feeling you’de just so happen to pop in ;) you’ll have to fill me in- I made it to 10 pm and I passed out- kinda touch when you’re up since 5:30 which I’m sure I’ll experience tonight lol! Just take it slow and do what you can- have miningake cafe of you a little bit ;) I know she can handle it- crazy proud of I for deciding to fight on mouse.

Let’s go Friday! YAYA!

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thanks biza. you did not miss a lot really -- it was the structure chat of what a live chat might look like really, few questions were asked, the usual stuff you step through with. another one in two weeks time.