Dear @Dayleeo // 3rd August 2k18 // good morning from a nice and chilled friday morning.

in dear-dayleeo •  6 years ago  (edited)

you might wanna listen to the track at the bottom while reading :)

Wow you really went to town on those Lebanese meatball style things, they look amazing, another thing to add to your arsenal of cooking experiences and I’m pumped that your butternut squash things worked out too — proud of you for following through on those things and like ya said, one time to buy you a lot of ‘thinking time’ back so you can focus up on other areas.

Maybe the next podcast should be about building out passion projects and how we cycle around them and why we don’t go all in and execute on them I know I have a few reasons of why I hold back and don’t go all in on some of those things, mainly perfectionism and trouble ‘getting the start’

It’s just after 9am here, weekends are weird at the moment because that’s when the normals seem to come out of their 9-5 caves and are everywhere especially with the weather as it is — talking of weather you wanna see how hot lisbon is right now, it’s gonna be like 107f over the weekend — i don’t remember even the places we staying having air con do you?

Went early to the shop to get all the supplies for the day and I’m on track to keep up with everything today because I don’t have that block of moderation to do today so I’m pretty stoked about the rest of the day and especially the weekend, I’m gonna deep dive tomorrow and I’m gonna get up early both days and stay up as late as possible tomorrow with a super early night on sunday night to be ready for poppet.

The podcast is finally pushed, I kinda forgot to do it actually in the end so sorry about that, it’s there now thou and you should have got the notification about it in pocket casts that it was live, I’m not sure which mic it was recording on my side but hey ho, lesson learned to double check, maybe do an initial recording and listen to it back, you sound super clear.

Sounds like you had a bit of a mini nightmare with the pan, I’m glad you took time out and resorted to the youtube oracle in the sky to find a fix, I know how frustrating that stuff can be when you ‘just can’t get to it’ kinda thing, all good thou, your meal prep made you work for it! :) (it looks so damn good btw)

Yeah that’s weird that the week has gone so fast, seems like only yesterday you were hanging with mum for her birthday and boom straight into it, I know you have a bit of down time now between the next sitting but at least the pay is good and everything is sorted for this month — great that you have the foresight to get ya head together about the residuals, I certainly could do with us both on the same energy spectrum as that.

That’s one thing that keeps going around in my mind actually — how do we do the same thing but for live greenscreen video like we do for podcasting, how do we get in sync to stream, I’m guessing it’s some kind of greenscreen capture we need to from and then use that as a source in OBS and then we take the green off our side for our collective streams — I’d like to try that for Stardew because it does not use much processing power.

if you have to rest then you rest, simple as that, your not really a good napper are you let’s be honest, your either 1 or 0 — on or off, I’ve seen that first hand, you need to develop a power nap protocol my dear! :)

So what did you do with the butternut squash ravioli did you heat it up or just have it cold, sounds like that could be a perfect little meal thou and I’m stoked that you made a bunch of them — how many supplies do you have now for the coming week? This is the second meal prep right?

Ok, I’m gonna call it here, I need a #2 and poppet will be getting dropped off this morning a little later from sleep over so I need to be ready for her, I’ve only got my top 10 and vlog to do today so far so it should be an easy day, no modding for me today so I might be able to get into some course recordings as well depending on the weather — it’s a hot one today again.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

ps. ... you might wanna listen to this while reading..

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Mm hi hi perfect timing as u just messaged me hi hi! I totally listened yesss reminds me of when u used to send me songs to fall asleep tomor wake up to- u curator u- always loved that about ya ;)

I finally managed to claw back some rem and sleep even though a crazy thunderstorm woke both me and bella up- poor thing was definitely nervous so I spent a little time with her, thunder bolds and lightning very very frightening indeed- felt like it was right above us

Feeling sleepy and determined to take it slow today- no cooking nothing crazy I’ve got s little client work but other than that I’m down to chill with u and bells- Love u both so much 💕💋💋♥️

perfect, chill down moods. yeah you wanna do a bit of stardew with the biza again that's cool with me -- i'm sure she will love that! :) love you too x --- get some naps, take it slow, make some notes, sketch. relax. it's fridaze! :)

sir yes sir! ❤️