Dear @Dayleeo // 5th October 2k18 // hey, it’s Friday, got that Friday feeling? :)

in dear-dayleeo •  6 years ago 

I’m writing to you tonight (it’s 20:32am) because I know tomorrow is gonna be a bit of a time crunch with everything that friday normally brings along with it, it’s weird you know but sometimes when you decide to put off until your fresh tomorrow the universe kinda says no, all good.

today was a semi productive day but something rapidly needs to change up, i think exercise is needed somewhere in the matrix of the day, i know when you were here that was easy because you always had a little bit of a micro plan of something you wanted to do together — talking of together, thinking making sushi with biza tomorrow, see if we can get some cheap salmon and cucumbers then just make all of the sushi :)

just trying to make things stretch really if truth be told plus we have a stack of sushi rice at home so might as well get those nori sheets rolling out right? like working together on that stuff is great anyway, she loves it just as much as i do.

super proud of you that you stepped through today love. i know it’s rough being on ya own in situations like that, especially with the root canal, you’ve really had to harden up to that but i feel like it’s gonna serve you well once it’s all done that you managed to step up to the plate and get them done.

it was such the power move as well to do the trip to see the dog and mum as well, i change of pace, space and everything else that goes along with it, i do hope you get some hiking in and that your mum is doing ok, i know the family has a lot going on right now and please pass on my wishes, love and hugs will you — recently developments with grandma make me wanna come there above all else at the moment if i’m honest.

i’m gonna get in touch with my dad again soon i think. i keep replaying that whole situation, it was kinda strange looking back, i should check in just to see if everything is ok but also i want to follow up on a few things too, things i wanna say, it’s important i do that. maybe that’s what he wanted to do as well, i dunno. i also wanna see my mum with poppet at some point again too but it’s been difficult to get up there, need the universe to let that happen in some way.

i’ve wasted like fifteen minutes trying to think of something that i wanted to write to you right here. i was stuck, trapped by it, circling around it, not able to find the words, which is crazy because when we are together there are literally thousands of archives of file cabinets of words, ideas, concepts, stories, facts, things that we mull over and reflect on like self assessment tests that we are actually here and now and that we have maybe an updated opinion on ;)

i have to confess that i do battle to maintain a level of semblance of positivity on the daily basis when it comes to our time here on planet earth, the podcast name is perfect for us because i’m trying so hard on a daily basis to fight negativity with some level of positivity — less of a blocking out more of a things can and should be better kinda vibe, if we don’t maintain or have progress then somewhere another cog falls out of a wall and onto the pavement that people walk over or around in disregard for the structure of the art of life — we need those cogs to keep it all turning, running.

i think it’s been reinforced a little by the state of cryptos. i really hoped that the technology would have been adopted everywhere by now. i feel the storytelling is not even half good enough right now for it, seems too early still, like it’s too logical, too organised, works almost too well for society to be shocked into actually how bad things around it actually function — maybe it’s too much of a reality wake up call — and the last thing the systems of inefficiently want is activated minds it seems.

i do hope it get’s there thou at some point, it deservers to evolve, to be person to person, the real p2p network, the person to person exchange of value to one and other, in your place, at your own pace, distributed swarm of connected, alert people ready to take ownership of their own lives empowered by strong maths toolsets of smarter contract way of living.

You totally threw me with your post this morning (now it’s morning btw) because you put the 2nd on it!? - lol, arggh, for a moment I did not know where I was! ;) yeah I woke up pretty well this morning, doing good biz, thanks for asking! :)

Ha, I like your mums style, this dudes drinking wine in the show so I gotta have a bottle of wine, it’s been a while since you had a glass so I’m hoping it did the trick and you were out for the count sleeping soundly like a baby! Sounds like the measurements and discussion was probably regarding taking a mould and doing the replacement top, they have to make sure that whatever they do doesn’t effect your bite normally, pretty standard stuff.

— ok, back to last night sentiments. .. —

well, it’s coming up to midnight and i decided to call it at midnight, see if i can get a good chunk of sleep in until morning and then get up and knock it out of the park early doors. i know i can do it ;) — ok, i’ll catchup with you during the morning love, hope you got a lovely night sleep.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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aww damn what a sweet message, i know what you mean about the family stuff. in truth that's a big one on my list for you to meet her... im not sure why its so so important to me, but i gotta follow it through you know? I'm glad you're on board with me in that, means a ton.

Also that last drake gif is everything lol- get it mouse! <3