Dear @Dayleeo // 5th July 2k18 // woke up slightly groundhog day today! :)

in dear-dayleoo •  6 years ago 

Woke to find that the pots had not done themselves, that actually I’m down to the last two bananas and that at some point I’m gonna just have to face up to the fact that I need another walk to the shops — groundhog day styli, another thursday rolls into view.

While I did get to bed early I did not get to sleep early enough so I ended up waking at 4:30am to the alarm but straight away switching that shit off waking up finally at 6am — it’s now just after 7am and I’ll be taking a walk to the shops after I’ve written this out.

Wow you got a lot done in the end yesterday, hooked ya mum right up with that tv situation, looks kinda neat, great job - I’m sure she is over the moon and at least you have a screen you can use when you are over there as well, that’s cool, seemed you had to battle the elements to get to it too!

I got 7hrs sleep last night, from 9:35pm till 6:12am — not bad, I just need to shift that 9 figure the other way a little bit, bed by 7pm and then wind down, I have to say I was out most of the night thou, no getting up or anything so that’s something, annoys me when I do that 2/3 toilet trip especially if I’m up at 4:30am or 6am feels like I’ve not had ANY sleep.

Welcomed the quiet ness again thou this morning, it’s still 60f already mind and it’s gonna be another belter at 81f today for a number of hours — I’m determined to write out the top 10 and my dtube video notes before I head out to the shop thou so I can keep on track, I’ve got a bunch of pots to do as well, just the usual life admin you know that gets in the way.

Had a crushing day yesterday on modding, kinda had too really because the numbers of submissions seemed high when I started so I was doing my best to get them crushed down, I think in the end everyone jumped in and crushed a bunch too, I enjoy that break for a few hours sprinting doing that.

Not got any further with courses or video layout yet, just seems to be an elusive creative block at the moment — of course I’m working through it, once I find the format, the layout I’ll be able to just pencil that in to my daily recording session, not there yet thou. Combination of heat, tiredness, looping groundhog days and concentration issues. Standard!

Sucks that your power supply did not last, I’m guessing it was the change between US and UK power charging that make saw the end to that, not sure how long you have had it but I’m hoping it was not too costly, those generic ones just don’t seem to last do they!

as for comms yeah some days I just wanna be disconnected but connected you know? more and more I’m comfortable with the quiet, not needing it to be full of noise or activity, much prefer the words to come from inside via the keyboard rather than just spout a bunch of things I don’t really consider, I guess i become less chatty when I’m really trying to focus up and get frustration when I don’t then I kinda shut down and punish myself — dunno.

quarter passed seven, wanna get there and get back before eight so I’m gonna head out in a sec, grab some supplies, I need milk more than anything and I really can’t go at any other time of day so this is the best time for me to hit the shops — I’m hoping that Bella and co are having a lovely time while they are away and I can’t wait to hear all her stories on friday.

get back from the shop and it’s straight into the top 10 recording with dtube before the heat really starts to kick in and then I’ll be in a good position to get pots and then moderation done, kinda like having that reset at the start of the day now especially before we start seeing the 80f temps, by the time lunchtime rolls around it’s near impossible to focus on anything in here, thankful for any breeze at the moment — will work on spreadsheet and titles today in the hope that something comes out of it! :)

Rent and the weekend are looming up fast, I’ll deal with it when I get to it, I can’t think about it too much now but it’s just another thing that needs resolving — super thankful to the universe the way the friday landed however with poppet being away so I did not have to go through another intense heat/money situation day for that — good looking out universe! :)

Looks like July has no intention of messing around either and I’m pretty sure people are interested in probably getting passed summer as soon as possible, this heatwave so far has been no joke and we still have a few weeks yet before the temps start to dip a little bit, it’s gonna be interesting how we all adjust when it finally changes, right now that feels like never!

I’m sure we will speak today on the audio chat, I’ll make sure we have time for it, I’m not sure what you are doing today, maybe going down to that coffee/coworking space maybe — actually I don’t know if the internet is good down there or you got the weathering working, either way, we will talk today, catch up and stuffs.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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Mm morning Love sorry that Groundhog Day life is setting in I know what that’s like for sure today is going to be a work day for me for sure seems all clients have come back and there’s plenty of modding to do it’s just a matter of where to work - hope you’ve done all your admin and you’re chilling without the physical activity a bit- mwah thank you for writing me I love u!

@Teamhumble What is Groundhog Day? Is there any link among Imbolc and groundhog day?