# Dear @TeamHumble //24th December 2018 // Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the van...

in dear-teamhumble •  6 years ago 

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...not a mourser was stirring, not even the van's man!- Some morning Crimbus beats for you to get into your day with m'darlin! ;D Goodmorning and Merry Christmas to you, it's still the night before, but it's all the same at this point right? Red and green and silver and gold all blurring into one. Best to just ride it all out <3... OH!

3 Things I’m Grateful For Today…

  • my man in the van with the new years plan!
  • a superchill christmas eve/day
  • a lovely new year to look forward

... In which I think I want to do another 30 day challenge. I know i know, it probably sounds like a bad idea, and I'm not going to be strict with it, and I'll certainly miss a day or two when traveling ect but I'd want to try for sure to keep up on the daily movement.

Other than that like I said it's going to be pretty chill day tomorrow methinks, breakfast with dad, brother stop by and maybe a bite out to eat later or ordering in? Not sure but i know he wants to spend time and I dont blame him. Will be nice for the afternoon, but I do plan on waking up early to get a bit of work in in the AM and maybe say hi to my Christmas crush ;) oh babyy!

Tonight might be the most I've watched doc in one sitting in a long time. I guess he was in this IDGAF attitude and it was fun to watch the kids geek out over playing with him that really made me smile. He's a good one. After we said our goodnights I did a little bit of card writing out, and folded my laundry and just did some general tidying, nothing too exciting, I wanted to play a little AC but It might just be yogas and sleeps for me tonight.

Actually that reminds me I want to try to schedule this post. Can Steempeak do that or am I thinking about esteem? Eek if this is late I messed it up, but it would be nice to try. As soon as I wrap this up it's a quick yoga for me and over to beddie land for some good sleeps. I still feel as though I'm fighting something but as long as it doesnt get any worse I'm content to keep the mint lemon and ginger tea flowin. Never give up never surrender!!!

lol I just went upstairs to swap to glasses mode and this was in the front room where I work! Dad's a sweetheart haha kinda nice, makes me wish I had thought of it, I'm sure they'll be up into the new year.

I know its a bit of an off-year Christmas wise but I hope you have a lovely relaxing day today tiger <3. After all, it's just a day, just best to be kind to eachother and ourselves, do what we can and we keep plugging away. I know you know how much I care about ya but Ill be sending super christmas love and huggle energy tonight. Sleep well my darling, I'll talk to you in the AM.


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yayay, it posted biza! if you scheduled it happened perfectly!

big hugs darling, thank you for the christmas post, love ya, big hugs and christmas dayz happinessessess..