My untimely death, now what?

in death •  8 years ago  (edited)

Bitcoin, block-chain, alt-coint, crypto-currencies, smart contracts, I'm all in.
I'm a true believer in the blockchain technologies becoming part of our future, HOWEVER.....!
Let's talk about death. Our death. My death. What happens when......we die?

I can imagine in the near future, much of our wealth will be captured within a blockchain technology. Our paychecks could be deposited using blockchain technology. Our incomes could be automatically invested, our bills auto-paid, our groceries delivered securely using multiple forms of blockchain technologies, coming soon.

But what about if we can no longer access our cryto-wallets? Will my spouse, parents, children know how to claim their inheritance. Will my child know my secret password or how to use it? Sure, I left them a paper wallet with specific instructions but will they understand how to login and claim my coins? What if the house burns down, will the paper wallet be saved? Are they legally allowed to claim my coins if not specifically mentioned in my will?

What if I journey to a foreign land and leave my cryptocurrency idle for 20 years? Will it be here when I return? Will the block-chain claim it as unused currency?

Have we answered these questions yet while developing these wonderful blockchain technologies? Does my Conbase account have a section for beneficiaries and percent of disbursements for each?

I think once these details get adopted, more people will adopt the blockchains of the future. For now, I'm cautiously participating and asking questions because I know my death will be unscheduled.!

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