The above words should either be very familiar sounding or who knows what. Music no doubt, of the highest order no less.....
(-).( Metal )x(^THE^)x( best in the world ).(
I've posted up links to my y tbe channel, i've got about 62 vids up so i'm not real sure where to start. I'll start with the one that has had the most responses. To be brief and save wasting your time, most of my vids consist of metal music mixed with edited video of basically and bluntly, hot female artists, dancing around, mostly sourced from pop music videos.
Not to be-little female pop artists, not at all. Full and total respect to the female artist. Especially the ones i brute-ify, just a little, in my vids. Probably, if you don't like this one you won't like any. Cheers.
The following is -
-( Cannibal Corpse - High Velocity Impact Spatter ).
mixed with Video of a bunch of artists, dancing around, dressed in that blue and red batman chick costume. (sorry not a movie guy). Enjoy .(x).