Although I am glad that a killer has been taken off of the streets, I will not bend over so low and say that 'I feel no remorse when someone dies.' It is true that I support the death penalty, and although there s plenty of things that are wrong with the legal systems around the world...I believe that GOD himself has given approval of 'fair' governments and has appointed fair and honest men and women to keep the peace.
It seems to be a tactic of the liberal news media to dig deep into a situation and find that one odd-ball case, you know if 10,000 people vote 'No' the 'media will dig, prod, and twist (if necciary) so they can interview that one person that voted 'Yes. And the headline will read how there is 'mixed feelings' among voters. Another tactic seems to be that when there own arguments are filled with holes and even an animal can see that what they want is a bad idea, then they will proably try to sell people a sob story...for the record this country has to deal with some tough issues and president Donald Trump is making some tough decesions that no other politician wants to deal with I applaud president Trumps efforts, I am not saying that I aggree with every idea that the man has. But one of the issues that the president is dealing with is immigration. Almost every sane person realizes that one nation can not be in charge of accepting every Tom, Dick, Joe, and Bill. Do you know that under the old immigration policies a fareigner could visit the U.S.A and on there visit they have a baby, and that baby was supposed to be just as much an Amercian as I am. That is a crazy rule!! There have been many chicken politicians that see the problem but were to scared of 'offending' someone so 'they pass the buck'
I support president Trumps decision to halt unwarranted immigration, and congradulations to Trump for having the guts to say something!
And shame on the leftist cry babies that want you to support there lame adgenda so they tell a half truth and intentionaly try to mislead people. Its like thoes snowflakes that wanted to cause an uproar because the U.S.A. had the nerve to believe that some illegal immigrants might be lying about the number of kids that are with them. But the liberals are ok with rubber stamping illegals not understanding that maby some of the illegals might seel there 'kids' (that they met in the desert) into the sex trade. The arguments of liberals are filled with holes, but the snowflakes are hopeing that people will not notice.
By the way, the lame stream news media is not telling people the truth, and facebook and youtube are deleting accounts of people that try to tell people the here is what I am going to say. Next time you want to hear what is going on (say that their was a mass shooting) tune into the lame stream media and realize that you are most likely being lied to!