Sexism for Men.

in debate •  4 years ago 


I'm really imperfect at following my own rule about abortion debate that's essentially "don't do it, asshole, it never ends well". Especially if there's liquor involved.

But one thing that's always got under my skin? "You're not allowed to have an opinion because of your enormous junk."

Look... Have whatever opinion you want. There's good and sincere and moral reasons behind every side. In this op, I won't even give mine outside of implication.

But... Men not allowed to have opinions? Could white dudes who didn't own slaves have opinions about abolition a couple hundred years ago? As an American, am I not allowed to say Israel is wrong for bombing Palestinian children because I'm not an Israeli? Am I not allowed to speak against Uigher concentration camps because I'm not Chinese?

Maybe the pro-life side is wrong and outdated and religious knuckle draggers. Maybe pro-choice is the enlightened way.

But "you're not allowed an opinion due to your wang"? Fuck that, you sexist assholes.

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