Killed by my debt. A docudrama that has shocking similarities.

in debt •  7 years ago  (edited)

Last night I came across a drama being aired on the BBC that was about debt in the UK. The drama was based on the true story of a young man, who was hounded by debt collectors to the point where he took his own young-life.

Jerome's story is one that can be seen happening all over the UK and I fear that there have been many more who have been driven to this same cliff. For the BBC though, Jerome's case had certain factors that met the governments latest agenda. In one of the most divisive documentaries I have ever seen, Jerome's story is told with almost all of the emphasis on his internet use around the time of his altercations with these 3rd party debt collectors.

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The story begins with Jerome getting a zero-hours contract job as a courier and the turning point, when Jerome's motorcycle brakes down and his step-father offers to buy Jerome another bike. In this part we see how the family went to the local bike shop and were convinced to purchase a new bike, via a finance option that involved monthly payments.

This was the moment where Jerome began to be on the back-foot. Earning less than £200 a week, sometimes closer to £100 and with weekly outgoings that involved payments to his employer for hiring equipment and payments for his new bike, Jerome was getting his first taste of the big world where he was about to be detained, indefinitely...

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Unfortunately, the story so far involves all the things that were going right in Jerome's world... But this young mans life was about to take a very common turn and begin down a road that takes most people to a place of self-destruction.

I know this because I am Jerome, I'm on that very same road and I am being perused in the very same way and by the very same kind of parasites and I have been all of my adult life. I can say in all honesty that since starting my apprenticeship as a HGV mechanic, some 20+-years ago, I have never enjoyed a paycheck that didn't involve paying back some form of debt. For me it all began with a 'Top-Man' store card and at the age of 18 the monstrous interest rates were easily overlooked(And it wasn't as if the vendor was going to tell you about it either). A foolish error made by many, but it has to be noted that there are folk riding this gravy train, feeding on the weak as the travel in first class. Unlike Jerome, I have been able to protect my mental-health and for the most-part I have protected my property too.

Nevertheless, this has still led me to the same ultimatums being offered my way and no matter how much I have kicked and screamed, I have had to accept that while we choose to participate in this madness, we will be bullied into standing under its insane legislation...

This is just a fraction of the letters I have and they all demand money that I simply do not possess. It all starts with something very small and seemingly harmless and then debt creeps over you like a mould. Some folk will go down the root of more credit cards and we even have "money saving experts" teaching folk how to juggle credit card after credit card in a never ending spiral of temptation. Other folk, like Jerome, myself and many others do not have the time or the mental clarity to apply for credit cards offering 0% interest. It is most likely that people in this position already have too poor a credit-rating to qualify for interest free credit cards and this leaves us at the mercy of payday loans, giving quick cash in exchange for ridiculous rates of interest.

At one of my lowest and most desperate points, I was fraudulently charged £80 by a company saying they were going to loan me a large sum and finally consolidate my debts. They turned out to be nothing more than a referral company and were well known to trading standards. When I rang trading standards to report this company for having a misleading website, I was told something that made my soul sink.

"Write to the company and inform them of your actions with us, then they will refund your money. They always do this and just hope you don't complain. Your not the first to report them and the more complaints we get, the closer we come to closing them down"

That was about 3-years ago and it appears nothing has been done to punish this wicked company. I will never forget their name and the folk running this scam should be ashamed of themselves.

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Ironically, this company is a family business, ran out of Birmingham, UK.

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I watched the BBC's docudrama with chills running down my spine and praying that my mother was not being taken in by this warped programming.
I, like Jerome, spend a lot of time "on-line" and gather much of my intelligence from what has been coined "alt-news" websites. These are websites that are now being re-branded as "fake-news" websites, but only if you want to believe the mainstream reports.

This similarity will be common in many people from all walks of life, as the internet has been woven into the fabric of society. For the BBC to use the internet as a possible trigger to suicide, they tar every suicide victim with the same brush, simply walking away from responsibility and siting spurious websites and vague statistics as evidence.

I know many websites that speak openly about the possible causes of debt and they are all classed as "fake-news" websites in the eyes of big brother. But I tell you now, that I know that these sites are full of people offering hope, not despair. Almost everybody in Jerome's situation will find there way to a site named ''. I personally think that their tactics do not work, but as I have since found out, neither do mine.

Nevertheless, groups like this and my personal favourite,, have much protection and reassurance to offer. It would appear obvious to me, that it would more likely have been the oppression of the state that took away Jerome's hope and distinguished his fire.

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Ultimately, the BBC are claiming that unrestricted web-content is to blame and not the governments system of debt collection... I'll let you be the judge, but my guess is that Jerome's death was caused by the determined and thoughtless efforts of the collective. Conspirators who terrorised this young man, for the sake of greed and principle.

Well, I think most of us are now getting the message and that it is simply this...

..."pay-up or face the consequences".

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Just to add to the complete hypocrisy of this docudrama... If the BBC did think that displaying and advertising suicide is to blame here, then why are they displaying and advertising suicide...? This drama was so lacking in any form of evidence or responsibility to the truth, that all anyone could have gained from watching it is a "promise" that our government is on the case and an increased awareness of suicide sites...

As logical as death sometimes seems to many folk who are crippled with debt, I will not be leaving this world in the tragic way that Jerome has. I have a wonderful daughter to raise and I also have been fortunate enough to find out the truth about this disgusting system. Therefore, the empowerment of knowing that I am being conned has insulated me from the kind of despair that took Jerome to this darkest of places.

If Jerome would have known his lawful rights and more importantly the rights of 3rd party debt collectors, he would have known how to protect himself, he would not have felt like a failure, and he may not have then taken his own life. All it would have taken was for him to place his bike within his property, ie a shed or in an enclosed garden... That way these goons wouldn't be able to clamp the vehicle, as 3rd party agents have no rights to force entry to your property and you DO NOT have to sign there contracts of payment. Stalemate.
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There was a part in the drama that showed the debt collector at Jerome's house and he phones the police, lying that he is being obstructed by "A breach of the peace" and unable to carry out his legal duties. The BBC showed the officers turning up and after they saw how vulnerable Jerome was, they concluded that no such breach of the peace had taken place. They then show the police walking away and you could quietly hear them mutter this vital piece of information.

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Most of the viewers watching wouldn't have noticed what happened next and they would just tell you that after the police left the scene, the debt collector simply carried on with his job and clamped Jerome's bike...but this was done in a way that, for me, gives away the fact that the BBC knew exactly what they doing and that was misleading the public.

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In the scene where Jerome's bike is clamped for the final time, the debt collector is standing outside of the property, just on the edge of the driveway where the bike was standing. Without moving his feet, the actor had been instructed to lean forward and clamp the vehicle, without physically touching the property.
pic-sourceThis is because he had no rights to remove the bike from the property or to venture onto the property without the owners consent.

Police only deal with criminal offenses and debt comes under civil law, which prodominently deals with disputes between businesses.

YOU CAN NOT BE IMPRISONED FOR A CIVIL OFFENSE, so as long as there isn't a victim of violence, loss, or damage(Which Jerome was actually experiencing at least 2 of those), then the police should have no jurisdiction or interest in being there. This then leaves you with one mans word against another and at this point trespass is trespass, regardless of anyone's assumed authority. Most debt collectors will be trained to aggravate you and they will happily instigate violence and then phone the police who 9 times out of 10 will always side with the Goon. One trick is to wedge their foot in your door in the hope that you slam the door on it. He will then have reason to accuse you of assault and in his own self defense, he will probably push hard on you and the door... Access gained and you now have to assault them to remove them. Checkmate.

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Sadly, this is all a little too late for Jerome's Family. The damage has been done and their precious Jerome thinks he has "unburdened" them from his tired existence.
A sad, but all-to common, feeling amongst today's forsaken generation.

Foolishly, I began watching last nights docu-drama in the hope that it would expose the councils greed and show their sub-contracted goons for the henchmen they really are... But this is the BBC and I should have known better...


As I have already explained, the tale begins with Jerome having to buy a new bike, to replace his broken one. Nothing extraordinary so far and at this point Jerome was still earning enough to "get-by".

It wasn't until Jerome had received a traffic-fine, that things began to take a turn for the worst. An £65 fine for some minor deflection of the governments ever-growing web of stealth-tax, disguised in the form of "justice".

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And just like I have experienced all my life,it is these small debts that seem to multiply at will and what starts as a double figure fine, quickly turns to 3 figures, then 4 figures and maybe even 5 figures! Who knows how much these criminals have extorted from the poor, the elderly and the disabled. No doubt it is more than most of us will ever be able to earn in 20 lifetimes.

(FACT: Local councils will always protest that they have no money, but all of them carry a surplus that they keep very quiet about)

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Now I will allow myself a little rant here, but I'll refrain from going full-retard on the subject... Amongst, many, many, many, many other issues that the BBC chose to brushed under the carpet and refused to acknowledge, there was also the FACT that the councils are completely complicit and integral to this system of forced-debt, much like the BBC licensing authority is.

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It is our own councilors who have set these fines and while I understand that we live in a world where financial punishments are "accepted", I do not agree with how far they are willing to go, in order to enforce their legislation.

The BBC forget to mention the fact that, under common-law, it is a crime to sell justice to any 3rd party, but however treacherous this modern practice may be, I am not at all surprised... Our government have been very busy for the last 50 years, destroying and undermining the laws of the land, laws that used to protect us from extortionist and loan sharks.

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Many of you will be saying that these ancient laws do not apply to today's world and if that is how you want to see things, then so be it. I am not going to attempt to convince you of the importance of these treaties, I just want to stress the point that it is the UK government, itself, who pretend to stand for these laws.

Now this part is a very a soar point with me and I will try my best to keep this part short and hold my temper.

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While our government celebrated the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, like it was their life-essence and the source of their self-riotous behaviour, even having the cheek to mint coins and offer a collection of commemorative stamps to mark the auspicious occasion, all while our more secretive and influential MP's were acting in a completely contradictory direction.

Under common-law there must be a victim for there to be a crime. The fact that our government has championed more and more stealth-taxes, in the form of "traffic-offenses", shows that they are not at all committed to up-holding the laws of the land.

I and many others around the UK, now understand the law and by learning the game we have stripped these 3rd party debt-collectors of all their assumed authority.

Education is the key to freedom.

The debt cycle is just ONE unlawful act that is ruthlessly carried out by governments, in order to strip the liberties and hope from its own people. They force us to receive their benefits and rely on the state, keeping us on the teet until the day we die, or grow teeth...
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So let's now get back on track and cast judgement over the BBC's version of events.

We are told that the BBC are independent and that they are the most highly regarded broadcasting company in the world. They indeed spread their tentacles to all corners of the globe, so their boasts do hold some weight. But in the first few moments of their portrayal of Jerome, and his spiral into despair, they had already brushed over the real issue at hand.

It is the councils decision to sell-on these "debts", to third party collection teams. Companies that are all ran for profit and employ bullies who have no legal training whatsoever. The BBC also managed to dismiss the issue of how the councils go about selling their "debts" to companies such as 'Robinson way' or 'Bairstow & Suitor'.

Don't you ever wonder why a company would buy such a risky product? I mean would you buy a 2nd hand debt from someone that you know is owed by the poorest in society? I doesn't sound a promising deal to me and I can't see that pitch going down too well on Dragons Den, can you?

"Hello Duncan, I'm owed £1000 by someone who is now an alcoholic, would you like to buy this I.O.U from me for £200?"

Screenshot_2018-07-20 dragons den duncan - Google Search.png"No, of coarse I dunne, you dopey we-cunt, ye!"
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Maybe if Jerome and his family were aware that our councils sell these debt in "bundles" and that they do this at a massively reduced rate, then they would have understood how their loved-one was being manipulated into complete submission.
In the business world this practice is known as "buying in bulk" and this allows debt agencies to purchase large amounts of I-O-U's at around an 80% discount.

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So Jerome's initial debt of £65 would have been sold to a third party agency for around a £10 - £20. This is a crucial point of the system and one that allows the whole thing to breath in the first place. If councils did not sell our justice for such a low price, there would be no agency willing to take the risk. Instead our government and councils allow debt agencies to add crippling charges to their clients debt and idly stand by, while they terrorize vulnerable people into paying money they neither owe or can ever afford to pay-off.

The notices sent by these 3rd party agents are strewn with warning signs and false-threats and for someone who isn't aware of their own rights as a human-being, these letters can have devastating effects. I am not quite sure what authority these goons think they have, but I have personally been told by an officer of the law, that your best tactic is to simply ignore any 3rd party collection agent, until they get bored and go away(which they do very quickly). You are not obligated by any law to converse with these maggots, so just go about you daily business and keep your windows latched and your belongings inside. For some reason the law does dictates that these creeps can weasel their way through an open window, just as long as they do not have to "force entry". But please remember that UK law allows you to bare arms when protecting your own property, especially from intruders who do not announce themselves properly.

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"Sorry Judge, but when I smashed him over the head with the dog-bowl, I honestly thought he was a common thief!"

"Case dismissed"


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The BBC's docudrama mentioned none of what I have just told you, absolutely nothing and they couldn't pass the buck quick enough. By doing this the government, unlawfully, wash their hands of any responsibility and anyone pushed over the edge by these firms, will have to accept that companies and their employees are protected by business laws.

To put it a different way, when people like Jerome suddenly feel that the only way out of the situation, is through ending their own lives. Then his/her family will only have the company to blame, as all the company employees were just following orders...

"Sorry Mrs Rodgers, but when I turned your child's debt from £65 to £650, I was just following company guidelines. I am so sorry for your loss. Now, are you going clearing your sons debt by cash or by card?..."

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The BBC have not only dis-honoured the memory of Jerome, by covering up for the real murderers, they have also made no effort whatsoever to expose any further wrong-doings by the debt companies and there "collection-teams", or the pay-day loan sharks, who always come in for their pound of flesh.

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The BBC mentioned nothing of how our government sets the tariffs that these parasitic agencies work from and even at the end of the documentary, they still went on to support the actions of the debt collectors who had harassed Jerome.

"although the outcome was tragic, the debt-collector had not acted out-side of the law"

(slightly paraphrased from the conclusions published by the coroner).

Well I suppose that's case-closed then, right?... All due-processes of law have been adhered to and Jerome only has himself to blame for not paying up... According to the BBC that is pretty much the crux of it, but the fact that the BBC is actually an arm of the government, used to propagate social agendas, I feel it is my duty to call them out on their disgusting behaviour.

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After Jerome's life was depicted in the documentary to be spiraling into debt and depression, they then concentrated heavily on Jerome's on-line activities.

But the Beeb are very clever and at the beginning of the show they had warned folks that some characters had been completely "imagined"(Their words, not mine) for the purpose of....well... I'm not quite sure why they would need to embellish this terrible tale.

Throughout the documentary we were taken to Jerome's bedroom, which seemed to be his dark-place. Here the documentary would show him developing an ever-increasing interest into various social-media websites.

Strangely, Facebook never appeared as a "source". But hey, Zucker-world has recently taken a battering and the government have no intention of putting folk off using their most monitored and controlled social media platform.

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Instead, they showed Jerome viewing messages and talking head videos, from websites such as Reddit and Whether these sources are reliable or even real can't be ascertained, we only have the BBC's reputation and the disclaimer to go by... Many times in the show, you would see Jerome tuning into one particular talking-head, a lady who was also in a state of financial despair.

The level of depression got increasingly worse and towards the end of the drama the talking heads were speaking of suicide. It was portrayed that Jerome had searched for websites, giving advice on how to hang yourself. I can accept this as one of the few truthful points of this BBC docudrama.
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Every movie has to have a bad guy and this is where the BBC showed its true colours. They never had any intention of reassuring folk or educating the people who related to the tragedy. They just gave a quick mention to the fact that debt-charities have been campaigning for years about the need for this profiteering racket to be stopped.

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You may not remember this, but before David Cameron stepped in, many years ago, these 3rd party debt-collecting agencies were allowed to charge whatever they wanted to... So to the government, they have already acted on our behalf and this is supposed to be a good deal...

By the time the docu-drama had finished the BBC had absolved both the debt collectors and the local councils of any guilt in this young-mans manslaughter. However, it did give a portion of the blame to companies who are employing folk on zero hours contracts, but even that was tailored to look like only small-businesses practice this form of slavery.

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For the BBC and the editors involved in making this shocking docu-drama the blame was placed on the big bad internet, or more to their point, the unfiltered, unrestricted parts of it. You know, the parts were millions of us are being shown the truth about what is really going on in the world. My personal favourite has to be James Corbett and "The Corbett report".

This is real news with no agenda and best of all he backs-up everything he says with evidence, a task that is alien to the BBC. The disgraceful history of the BBC has already come to the attention of this brilliant mind and I doth my cap to his expose, on The British Broadcasting Corporation.

For those who haven't seen this great Corbett report episode, I advise you to find the time, as it has some absolute gems of information inside.

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I say that this whole docudrama was a cunning ploy to propagate fear over the internet and support the current government agenda for legislative acts to be made into actual law. Subsequently, this will lead to an internet that is directly controlled by the state and information will be centralised and therefore those who run this centralised social library get to dictate what books are placed on the shelves....
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Thank to anyone who has managed to read all of this. It has been one of those post that I have been compelled to write about. Usually these longer, more passionate posts don't do very well so extra thanks for breaking the norm.

Big love to you all and please consider entering my silver raffle, with just 2sbd entry-fee.
all pics from the documentary were sourced from

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