Central Banks Control Money | "Money is Debt" - Cold Fusion, Youtube

in debt •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today I ran across an excellent video by "Cold Fusion" which was titled "Who Controls All of Our Money?". Spoiler it's the central banks.

The content briefly explains the history of central banking, and the implications of private central banks having control over money, including boom-bust cycles which cause greater centralization of wealth with each event.


What are Central Banks?:

Central banks are private organizations that control the states currency, money supply and interest rate. They are given the power to oversee money creation, and Governments "borrow" from them to support any budget deficit. Which would be fine if they had wealth to lend but they don't. These central banks have nothing backing their "loan" whatsoever, they simply create money to "lend" out, at interest, to our government. So if they are just printing it, without anything backing it up, why can't the govt, just print it, and skip the middle-man and the associated interest? Because, reasons... the only reason it is so is because bankers got legislation passed that prevents alternatives, no other reason.


So the Central bank, which is privately owned, prints money to lend with interest to our government to pay for wars and roads, and politicians who play along and do not challenge this statas-quo get funding for election and those who don't, don't.


But this lending process is broken. It is akin to a person who can't pay their bills (ie., Gov't. in deficit), who uses credit cards (ie., the central bank), to pay any pre-existing debts (wars & roads) we can't afford. If that is sustainable, please tell me how?

These central banks are essentially issuing IOU's everytime they lend out more fiat currency, and these IOU's are only as good as the faith we put in them. At some point borrowers and recipients of these borrowed funds will start saying, they do not accept the value ascribed to these loans, which is when we have reached hyper inflation. The problem is that this tipping point is not easily foreseen, rather it happens progressively and incrementally.

Today a dollar is worth slightly less than yesterday, and again tomorrow, until a dollar is not just worth less, but worthless.


The Ramifications of this "Print to Survive Economics":

  1. Inflation: each dollar in circulation is worth less than it used to be.
  2. Saving is penalized: because interest rates are lower than inflation, saving money results in a net reduction in purchase power.
  3. People are incentivized to overextend, and spend ALL money they have, and lots of money they don't, which during a bust cycle causes bankruptcies and foreclosures, but only for those who were overextended, NOT THE 1%.
  4. During the bust cycles, the top 1% grow in wealth because they had savings to buy the dip, while you and me who were leveraged to the tits, with our mortgage and car loan, and student debt, are left to suffer.


In Summation:

Central banks control money and central banks are controlled by the most wealthy private bankers. They do not have your interests at heart, they are not concerned with mitigating poverty, suffering, or inequality.

Their sole objective is to incentivize unsustainable spending by penalizing savings, through the manipulation of interest and inflation, so as to drive wealth from the many to the few. We should be concerned, and more people should know about the dangers of money as debt, and centrality of banking, sadly few know anything about it.

The US dollar is not backed by gold, hasn't been for decades, the US dollar is a reserve currency for the globe but the US debt system is failing, and hyper inflation is coming. What will happen when the US economic system collapses? Are you ready? I'm not sure I am, but I'm trying to become ready.


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Cold Fusion | Who Controls All of Our Money?

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Excellent your explanation on this banking strategy, many do not know anything about this, thanks for always keeping us informed.

Thank you for following. Have a great weekend.