Here is How you will stay motivated when you will pay debt.

in debt •  6 years ago 

Paying off debt can be a long and challenging process. For some, it could take years to become debt free (it took me 5+ years to pay off my student loan debt).
When on your journey to debt freedom, it’s only natural to have highs and lows. When you will feel tops are great because you're motivated and excited, and it seems like the debt melts off.

Here is some ways for stay motivated when you are going to pay your debts.
*Treat yourself
*Create a debt free sign and hang it on your fridge
*Start reading money blogs
*Make a life change that will cause you to suffer a little
*Write down all your reasons for getting out of debt
*Pick a debt-free date and mark it on your calendar
*Make an excel spreadsheet of your debt payoff plan
*Start a spending log
*Sell something and make an extra principal payment
*Get an accountability buddy
Try these when you are facing Paying debt. For getting help about paying debt Check here

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