I am a big fan of conspiracy theories though I am not a big believer in them, really I just find it interesting to see the ideas people come up with and how they rationalize things. There are a lot of theories you can tell straight of that bat are just fiction but then there are some that are hard to disprove or prove and a small portion that turn out to be true. I am going to be posting a series of blogs discussing a range of theories and sharing my opinion on them.
When you have seem a plane fly overhead you may have noticed that they leave a trail behind them called a contrail that is water based, conspiracy theorists claim that when these trails are left behind a stay lingering longer than they should it is because they are in fact chemtrails full of harmful chemicals being sprayed above by governments or secret organizations to harm the general public in certain ways.
Most people who believe this believe that they use different chemicals on different occasions with the main uses of; weather modification, psychological manipulation, population control and causing respiratory problems.
What could win me over?
Now one of these situations seem most likely to be true and could actually be plausible and that is weather modification, with global warming, extreme weather and many places suffering from long droughts you could see the government doing things like cloud seeding to create more rainfall to counteract harsh droughts. The problem I find with this is that the government wouldn't try and hide this from the general public as it is known that things like cloud seeding exist and can be helpful.
Though it seems a large amount of theorists say that it is other countries governments putting chemicals into the air to make droughts harsher and extreme weather to last longer in attempts to harm the country they target as much as possible. Again this is something that could happen as it has done in the past, weather modification has been used during war to damage a country though it is now banned by the UN.
Most believers of chemtrails are seemingly American and they like to think Russia is using weather modification to harm them. (it's always Russia) Plausible again however I just don't see how they would sneak these chemicals into plains and if it was expected they were why the US government wouldn't run tests to make sure they aren't.
Other explanations:
Now all the other explanations to me seem more absurd, firstly psychological manipulation. What are they using to cause these manipulations, they would need not just a chemical that can effect the brain but that can also be diploid accurately, that dissipates relatively quickly as to not travel to areas you don't want to harm and that is untraceable. Now to me that seems hugely unlikely that and group or government would be able to pull this off as there are so many things that could go wrong. From my knowledge most chemicals used to manipulate the mind to make people susceptible to an outside influence so you need that influence to make use of the chemical and where does that influence come from.
Population control again not very plausible, firstly look at population growth over the past 50 years and then look at the areas where it has started to drop in more recent times. If you look into human geography you would see some obvious trends, the main one being as a country grows and advances so does its population until population peaks and other advances still take place, the reason being women being treated more equally and getting better jobs as a result. Then many women chose work over reproduction helping to lower population. The other main factor is as healthcare gets better you don't need to have 5+ children in hopes that a few survive and you don't need them for work so naturally families become smaller.
Lastly is negative respiratory effects which there isn't much need for with the amount of fossil fuels being burnt, smoking, general drug taking and unhealthy living people are doing it to themselves. Also an argument against all these points is you can't hide from chemtrails so if people use it on their own country it hits them as well.
...and case closed. Thank you for clearing this up. One problem less. With your brilliant mind you must have a most marvelous future ahead. Looking forward to reading more of your insights. How about WT7?
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Not sure if there is a hint of sarcasm in there but either way thanks and I will be writing about WT7 at some point soon as there is a lot of interesting theories surrounding the event.
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You seem to be an honest, truthseeking individual. I applaud that. But I have to warn you. Don't dig too deep. You might come across information which could turn your world upside down. It happened to me. Nothing is what it seems. If you want to live a happy life, you better stick to the official narrative. I apologize for the sarcasm. It's the lowest form of humor, I know. Good Luck!
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I like to think of myself as a truth seeker which is why I feel I have to look into things like this and go as deep as needed. Sure there is a lot of information out there that when found will change opinions on the world, however I would say you can separate having knowledge of what really goes on and being happy.
I have always been one for not sticking to the narrative because you have to look at as many perspectives as possible and the narrative in the news etc. is run by people pushing an agenda so you can't treat it as gospel but that also doesn't mean it is all false information.
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Maybe you are right. I can only look back at my experience. Having spend a lot of time looking into things a bit deeper, I learned things I honestly would rather not know. But there is no way back. A Pandora's box. It DID cost me my happiness.
I came across EVIDENCE, not opinions or biased and paid for "scientific" research. I found out, that EVERYTHING I thought I knew was wrong.
The world I live in now, is different. If I could unlearn, I would. But I can't.
And there is nothing I can do about it. This is not an experience I would anyone else to have. Ignorance is bliss in a way. Trust me, you will stay happier if you don't dig too deep, if you trust the prescribed opinion. Listen to CNN. Go and vote for the right candidate next time. Big Brother knows what's good for you. Obey. Or you get fucked. Again, good luck in your quest.
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Ignorance truly is bliss however I feel almost an obligation when I find I am ignorant of something to look into so I am not as ignorant in the future. I also think that just because you find things out it doesn't mean you have to live in fear of them, just live as you did before because if you really can't change what you see as bad then you just have to move past it.
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I don't want to convince you of anything. I rather see people happy than smart. But let's - just for the arguments sake- assume that evidence pointing into the direction of extreme elevated aluminium, strontium and barium levels in air, water and soil samples is correct. Or nano particles. Or fluoride in the water. What if we bring these little factoids into context with existing, official documentation about the depopulation agenda. With the rise in diseases like Alzheimer's, autism, Morgellon's? What if you start to suffer from Fibromyalgia like me? What if you find evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the government DID kill people on a large scale in the past? Conducted experiments on them without their knowledge? What if you did find out that your vote does not matter, if you find out who is really ruling you. What if you find out that most tragedies happening today have been written down in books as "Strategies" 100 years ago? Would you still be happy? You still suffer your pain, have to breathe the air and drink the water and there is nothing you can do about any of it. Would you be happy then? Well, I am not.

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This is just for your reading pleasure, in case you want to take a peak into some information available. Not suggesting that any of it is true. It is also not complete by any means. It goes WAY deeper and more complex. But it could be a start...
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Many experiments done by the US on unknowing citizens including killing them are well documented and very easy to come across, it should not come as a surprise that this has happened as it is easier to do tests on your own people than others.
The rise in diseases can be traced to many sources all with the goal of making money, doctors over prescribing drugs and giving people drugs that aren't needed, also food brands packing refined sugars, salt and sat fats into almost every food you could think of, especially in america.
I would also say for the most part it is true that your vote does not matter, history has shown that to be true, if a political party and leader is only in office for four years how much can they do when there are much more long standing higher roles that make the real choices and I wouldn't say it is necessarily hidden as info can be found in many places but it just isn't talked about. Then as for a higher organization if a person is in power for many years they will make other friends in high places and so on, who will all discuss and push the agenda they decide. (any one would do the same in such a position)
Finally as for strategies for tragedies being written 100+ years ago is also no secret, humans have been around for a long time and have conceived a seemingly infinite amount of strategies to do with war, experiments and so on.
I do no mean to sound rude in this comment, I just think information you mentioned is not a secret, there are many people who are ignorant of these things but also a large amount of people who are not.
People do bad things and if you are in a position of high power then you would do things to benefit yourself and you can't keep everyone happy.
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How does one prove a negative? I haven't seen a convincing argument to do this.
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In what context?
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@gmikeyg If you mean it hasn't been proven to not be happening I would say that is a poor argument as it really says nothing, its the same as questioning a religious person and them saying "I have faith" It means and proves nothing whilst closing the debate. I could easily reply prove its happening and give no evidence.
I see it as there is a lot of evidence to prove that chemtrails are not being used, where as there is no real evidence just speculation for chemtrials being used and what people say is caused by chemtrails can be attributed to other more likely causes.
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Thanks for information
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Hello and thank you for such a thought provoking article. I agree with a lot of what you say. I don't believe it is anything to do with a direct attack on the public, because like you suggested, there are easier, quicker, cheaper, less random ways to do this. My own opinion is that they are indeed spraying chemicals in our skies. I can prove this 100% and will find the link to back that up(may take a few mins but i'll dig it out) It was obviosly something that derived from the military and has been documented in a weather based disaster in wales(1970's) then it was used in Vietnam. Like you say the UN have banned this but I think that private companies are now investing in this industry for weather manipulation. I have no evidence to back this up othere than my own observations. It seems to me to be very likely that the energy companies would be able to extend there peak periods by creating colder weather condition. Whenever we are due good weather, they appear all over the sky and within 2 hrs there is a blanket of mist that is not an occurrence of nature. The temperature drops and the heating stays on for an extra 4 weeks of the year. I now this is only theory but to me it makes perfect sense. Plus if the chems are falling to earth and being soaked up into the foodchain/water supply(Water acidity is a well documented side effect of cloud seeding). The rich already avoid the mainstream food/water chain so this project will not harm those who are privy to the info.
I totally agree this subject is up for debate but it would be moronic to say that they are not spraying something up there...
ps love the critical thinking :) Look forwards to your next subject...
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You make some interesting points and there are those mentioned cases where chemicals were sprayed to manipulate the weather however I don't see the likely hood that it still goes on without us knowing. As you mention cloud seeding has known side affects, and spraying any chemical into the skies would have many side affects, however If there where chemicals in the sky you would assume it would have more of a profound effect harming other animals and plant life.
I would also say that there isn't much need for private companies to use chemtrails because climate change causing more extreme weather along with colder winters and hotter summers does the job for them. Would you not also argue that gas companies would gain but as a result it would hinder other companies largely, as I said colder winters from climate change so more heating and gas used but because of hotter summers their will be much more aircons being used along with all the other products needed in very hot weather. So I feel if there was a private company spraying chemtrails they would have a lot of competition which would cause tons of chemicals to be sprayed in the sky which would mean no company would get their desired effect.
ps thanks and I look forward to writing on another conspiracy and I hope to see your opinion their also.
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Your either limiting your critical thinking to a very localized and direct cause and effect, or you are writing this in a way that would intentionally limit peoples thinking on the subject. I choose to believe the first of these options.
If that is the case have you entertained the thought that "climate change" could be a result of this sort of weather modification/manipulation? One has to think larger, so that they can envision the whole game board. Climate change is the single biggest rallying force used by the UN and others, to encourage sovereign nations to give up piece by piece their own sovereignty of their own free will. Just as the rise of "terrorism" has left many to gladly give up personal freedoms in exchange for a "sense of security." I'm not going to tell people that it is or is not either way, it is up to the individual to choose where they place their faith. But if we are going to have a frank and honest talk about these things we must not look at the micro level but the macro one. A master chess player does not focus on the three or four squares around their king, but the whole board.
When we look at the fiat money situation, and those who are in control of it's printing, and the lack of transparency to the public and the governments they claim to serve. It's not difficult at all to imagine financing such an operation of grandiose proportions.
The biggest problem with this and all "conspiracy theories" is the abundance of poor or misinformation. People are lazy, and don't want to think or look into things themselves. The vast majority of "chem-trail" videos or picture I have seen are in fact con-trails, as they fade away in a short amount of time. But there are others that linger for many hours slowly spreading out across the sky. These are suspect as you can see the normal plans going by and then these "special ones." Thankfully I have not seen them since coming to NZ, for that I'm very thankful.
Thanks for bringing this up, it's good to be able to have honest conversations about such things. Have a wonderful day.
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I agree that climate change is used in the way you mentioned as fear is a powerful tool and anyone trying to get into a position of power will use fear to gain peoples vote, In this case I believe you are saying chemtrails are a tool to further climate change for groups to gain more power through fear. I would still argue that if this were the case other groups would also be using chemtrails to cause 'X' to further their goals, from this the desired result would change as the multiple groups all spraying different chemicals would change the outcome.
It can be frustrating sorting through all the miss information and peoples half formed theories and explanations but that's just the way it goes when researching anything, you have to sift through the dirt to find them gems within.
I would also add that I have family members that have been pilots for many years and others that worked for airlines for many years and you would think if chemtrails were being sprayed out of their planes they would realize, but I don't base much of my opinion on the subject from that.
Thanks for the comment, have a nice day also.
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I am very careful to not say something IS or IS NOT happening, unless there is in fact definitive proof, that can be readily digested by those I'm discussing matters with. Since it has taken me hundreds of hours of research and personal observation to reach my personal thoughts on this, I avoid trying to persuade people one way or the other.
But I will say that I do not think that chemtrails are causing weather manipulation. They would merely be a essential part of the whole. Adding micron sized metals to the atmosphere that bind to the water particles, would allow for easier manipulation of weather patterns via the means of EMF techs, and high powered lasers.
Yes by prepping the atmosphere with these particulates would allow other "groups" to more easily manipulate the weather, but it would require them to have the massive infrastructure required to implement such changes. But due to the massive costs, I believe only a few players would be able to attain them. once they were used it would be pretty clear from the other parties who was responsible, and they would have to face the wrath of them when they were discovered.
Like I said in my first comment. Only a few of the planes we see are expelling things other than normal contrails. As these would have to be retrofitted for such a task and would require them to fly at much higher altitudes than normal commercial planes. There are many people who claim to have retrofitted such planes if you care to look it up, some of these people have seemed to disappear from there short public appearances. If that's due to them telling lies and hiding away or them being silenced I couldn't tell you. But normal airlines would not be responsible for these.
It's always nice to be able to speak of these possibilities openly without hostilities. :)
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Thanks for the comment, it's always nice talking to someone who shares their honest opinions, backs them up with evidence and I like how you don't try to force you opinions you just share them. I hope we can share further discussions in the future.
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Have you checked out chemtrail related patents? They're out there.
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hi dr0tcl,good post bro.But can you explain to me why for the last ,say,year or so i've been seeing a huge amount of these "chemtrails" everyday non stop.So how come i havnt seen any for over 3 weeks now.They dont exist right?
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It is hard to say definitively whether chemtrails are used or not, them existing is fact as such things have been used in the past as others have mentioned in the comments, however I don't see any definitive evidence that they are being used. It is all well and good saying I see chemtrails in the sky but where is the proof, I could say I am a merman but without proving what good is saying it.
This is my issue with the argument for chemtrails being used currently, where is the hard proof as what I see is almost always speculation, also you have to take into account different types and sizes of planes leave different contrails along with altitude and weather all affecting how long they last.
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Hi,i can see where your coming from,totally.I have always been a person where seeing is believing.I have seen.Them chemtrails hang in the air for hours causing the strange colours we see.I'm 46 yrs old.My skies weren't like this when i was 18 yrs old.The trouble is most have been so conditioned that they can't see the insane,crazy way the people at the top of the pyramid play things out.I truly believe we have entered the end times and chemtrails just part of the destruction of mankind.The answers most are looking are in the bible.The book of genisis and revelation.
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Try looking up Harvard uni's website and look for SOLAR SHIELD.
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I will have a look, thanks
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