My name is Fahd from Morocco. I first joined the Decent Project in 2016 when I heard about the ICO and since then have been actively following the development of the network.
I am currently an active witness (Miner) and my miner name is fahdminer1.
Currently I have 3 servers in different locations around the globe (1 main and 2 backups)
My server configuration is as follows:
-Dedicated server with:
* Octa Core CPU
* 64GB RAM
* 2x 3 TB Disc space RAID 1
* 1 Gbps Internet Speed
- 2 Backup servers:
* Quad core
* 12 GB RAM
* 1 TB SSD
* 100 Mbps Internet Speed
If you wish to support me and contribute in securing the Decent network then vote for me:
vote_for_miner username fahdminer1 true true
I am always available on Decent Slack channel if anyone needs assistance or guidance