Is It Possible To Decentralized Internet?

in decenternet •  7 years ago 

When I talked to my friend about decentralized internet after I read it at Dnet website and whitepaper : and ANUVYS : , they looked at me like I am just having a bizzare day dreaming. Though they are not an expert in technology, but they are internet users, and for them it seems impossible to have dencentralized internet. They were trying to figure out about the server and Peer to Peer (P2P) network system that will be used in decentralized system to replace the server. Well, for internet users like us who had experience to download a lot of movies and songs from Napsters, might realize what was going on. They were wondering if decentralized internet would end up just like Napster or even worst, it will never happened. Let’s talk about it!


P2P is not a new technology, it has been there for a long time. It is not as ppopular as centralized internet system, because it has limited IP address while centralize internet system has a huge amount of IP addresses. P2P is a direct connection from one peer to another peer directly. It does not necessarily need internet connection since there are a lot of protocols can be used to make a connection. P2P that uses internet will have a server to control direct connection from one peer to another peer. For example, if we want to download certain song, then the server will direct us to the peers that provide that song. This is what used to be used by Napster and Torrent. Napster was P2P music sharing service that bring up P2P network system became popular, but unfortunetly it was shut down due to copyright indictments.

Blockchain which also reffers to the best decentralized data recorder in the world at the moment actually is a protocol that uses P2P network system which designed to allow transactions across a distributed network without the need for a broker controlling the process.* “A Blockchain protocol operates on top of the Internet, on a P2P Network of computers that all run the protocol and hold an identical copy of the ledger of transactions, enabling P2P value transactions without a middleman though machine consensus. Blockchain itself a file – a shared and public ledger of transactions that records all transactions from the genesis block (first block) until today” * - (

Source : Research Gate

So, when we talked about decentralized internet, for me, basically it is not a new technology but it is a new management system that used P2P network system that allow us to free from cencorship, data monetizations, and other problems in centralized internet. It gives us an opportunity as well to get faster connection because there is no control or report to/from the third party. There is nothing to pay as well to the third party, which means it will be much cheaper than the centralized internet. About the server? For sure any decentralized internet will still use server, but as I explained before, it will not take control of our data, the server will only manage the connections and applications to work as it supposed to be.

Thus, it is very possible that we have decentralized internet. We do not have to very much concern about its technology, the P2P network system allow us to have decentralized sytem that make us have more freedom and stand for our individual rights to have not only freedom but also security and independent. No more monopolized in internet, just like the aim of Decenternet (Dnet).

*"Decenternet is the most powerful complete hyper-speed P2P distributed Internet infrastructure solution platform that Blockchain technology can create. It doesn’t belong or report to any third-party organization except to its users.” *-

After we talked about this, then they gave me one more question that I make me smile. They asked, “Do we need certain specification or criteria of computer to use decentralized internet?”. What a question! Anyway, as long as we can use our gadget for internet, than it is going to be allright. The main problem at the moment that really challenging for decentralized internet is actually not about how it is going to work, but how to make people understand about it and adapt it easily. The P2P network system that used by decentralized internet is not the same as the one that used by Napster, its algorythym and priciples are totally different. That is something that perhaps all people must clearly understand.

Let’s learn more about decentralize internet at: and ANUVYS website at You can also follow Dnet from Facebook :, Twitter:, and join Dnet Telegram Group:

Bandung, 23 July 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis

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Hello kak mariska. Ini masalah teknologi kelas tinggi, yang mungkin bisa dipahami oleh ahli teknologi saja, namun hanya bisa dikuasai oleh segelintir orang beruang saja di negeri ini.
Detilnya saya tidak paham tentang p2p yang kak mariska telah bahas. Namun sedikit saya bisa faham tentang desentralisasi sebagai lawan dari sentralisasi. Yang saya faham tentang desentralisasi internet adalah pemandulan kekuasaan negara terhadap penyedia layanan dan pengelolaan kebijakan berkaitan user atau penerima manfaat dari pelayanan internet itu sendiri.

Mudah mudahan matching terhadap masalah yang di bahas. 😀 English saya pas Pasan kak. Maklum ye

Jika ada kemauan pasti ada jalan
Terus berusaha @julies
Salam hangat dan terus bekarya

Terimakasih atas saran dan dukungan pak @wiralhokseumawe. Have great dai for you and always succeed

Menurut pendapat saya
Jika ada keinginan dan ketekunan pasti kita bisa ngerti dengan terus belajar.
Apalagi internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan kedua kita dalam aktifitas kita sehari-hari.

Orang lain bisa, kenapa kita enggak!! Iya kan kakak @mariska.lubis

Saya terus terang setelah membaca postingan kakak yang pertama, sampai sekarang terus mendalami
Karena ini merupakan kebutuhan internet masa depan yang aman dan tanpa desentralisasi dari pihak-pihak tertentu.

Salam hangat buat kakak dan keluarga

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Oya kak selamat Hari Anak Nasional kak ya
Semoga sehat selalu ....amin

Hai kakak mariska, gimana kabar nya,?