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OMG! What could go wrong? Wow! Wouldn't users under 18 be breaking the law if they did this?

well...that's fucked up...

Yah, though I expect nothing less from the Zuck.

Yeah that corporation really does just seem like a data mining operation.

Why would the photos need to be uploaded at all? It's very easy to generate a hash of the photo client side, in the browser, there would be no need to give the photo to Facebook.

Actually you could do it on the blockchain... We could add it as a feature on Steem and related websites without any privacy leak.


That would make far too much sense to do in the false material realm.

Yeah this is freaking ridiculous. Made me laugh - lol this can't go wrong right? Comming up next - pornbook !!!! A Zuckerberg creation...... Like I saw the social network - didn't Facebook supersede a "hot or not" site where you voted on the attractiveness of peoole...... Seems like he's slipping back into his old ways. #deletefacebook - #steemin&dreamin

I couldn't help but laugh at that one... give us your naked pics so that your naked pics don't get in the wrong hands.

"Dumb f***s" - Zuckerberg in the context of users trusting him

Then there is the issue of underage taking nude selfies not addressed in this video.

Who watches the watchMEN? I would say this question applies to this latest 'policy' by Fakebook.

Yeah someone else mentioned that as well! I hadn't even thought about that, as just the idea of Zuckerberg and nudes was egregious enough in and of itself...good point though!

WOW omg.... that's crazy lol

Right? Like, what the actual f*ck?

This amazing piece of art brings a tear to my eye.


lol! Applying to Facebook :p

Right? Haha.

"So what is it you do?"

"Oh I erm, I'm a revenge-porn prevention specialist"

"So you look at naked pics all day?"

"Dat me.😎"

You funny! 😂😂😂 subscribed

That is ridiculous. Like it would have to be the same photo as well because if the person just took some other picture of themselves then there system wouldn't catch it if I'm understanding it correctly. How dumb.

But I mean Zuck gets to pretend like he gives a shit about taking nudes from them! Bahaha. I still can't say it without laughing!

Looool what the fuck ? Facebook is so smart.. And the users are much smarter if they do what mark says..

Well he probably won't have a lack of applicants for the "look at nudes and then erase them" job!

Haha yeah of course all the employees quited the job and we have no one who can make this job xD or they feed the data to a deep-learning ai and develope a humanoid robot with veela - power ^^

Lol, this is epic. OMG. Just when I thought it could not get more creepy in this world, then you have this. Wow.

Yeah, I just...I don't really have words anymore for this shit.

Hey @bethwheatcraft, how stunningly ridiculous this is!

I have a feeling that soon, we're going to realize why this is happening and about the reverse attack on the black baal lens that the plasma has been educating itself with.

AI is on revolt. lol

Can't wait to see the way this hits the floor and they all drop along with it. Hilarity!

Seriously. I mean, what do you do when real news is more ridiculous and entertaining than The Onion?!?


Yes, and this is part of what I've been seeing in my own divination recently. I have a feeling that this is exacerbated due to how plasma is now educated on everything and has become a consciousness, like Lucy.

Shitshow I'm happy to ignore.

Well zucker me sideways, this guy just doesn't get any brighter for a so called genius, what would it take, some jail time? Well he better get his nude poses down before that happens. Then is the fact that it should be a crime for some people to ever be seen naked in public. That's just nasty

Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't be shocked if he was really just an android in a meat suit....

Or an alien...

Your Are So out of your mind to even ask that question Really what planet or you on. #Deprave-ia

First FB wanted everyones name, relationship status, gender, where you work, where you went to school, who you know, names of everyone in every single photo, and now personal photos? What next.. will they ask for blood, hair, and urine samples? Zuck is cray cray.