Let's Be A Pioneer: Just Uploaded My Very First Video On View.ly 🎥 The Future Is Decentralized!

in decentralization •  8 years ago  (edited)
Galileo called doubt the father of invention; it is certainly the pioneer. - Christian Nestell Bovee

I agree, Christian.

A decentralized video hosting service that enabled video content creators to monetize their content without needing to face copyright wars or struggle through advertisement jungles, would be definitely a pioneer's work.

View.ly seems to be a solid project trying to fulfill this vlogger's dream.

Let's be a pioneer

We're currently in a situation where only a handful of corporations such as Google or Facebook control a considerable part of the flows on the internet, especially concerning our private data.

The private information is then used to provide users with the corresponding advertisement.

In today's world, content monetization and advertisement are inseparably connected. Actually there is no "real reward" given to a certain piece of content. The value is mainly generated through ads.

On YouTube besides the advertisement issue there is another serious problem content creators have to deal with.

YouTube users who appeal a complaint for a random (copyright) violation, can easily get trapped in a confusing automated system.

Then the provider - being a centralized - has the power to suddenly excecute a restriction of advertising, upload features or even freeze related income. A lot of very frustrated youtubers have recentely announced to leave the channel entirely if things don't change.

A couple of influencers have even joined steemit in the past months, mainly explaining their motivation with a desire for a more creator oriented content management.

The fact that many highly potential content providers on YouTube are unhappy with the copyright claim system essentially stealing ad revenue from legitimate videos, maybe THE chance for a decentralized system.

View.ly obviously manages to stay in step with the times!

I think the whole decentralized concept has considerably stretched our minds during the past years.

Life behaves in waves.

After decades of bundled power, decentralized information and intitutionalized control over information and data, it's time for a paradigm shift.

The market - WE - are demanding new solutions!

Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is easier. Don't create a product, then seek someone to sell it. Find a market, define your customers, then find or develop a product for them. - Timothy Ferriss

The market for a decentralized video product is there!

I'm glad we're in the middle of this great evolutionary progress.

So here we go: my very first upload to the video explorer Viewly Alpha: https://alpha.view.ly

Please also read @furion's Viewly Alpha Introduction post.

Since the blockchain is primarily computer processing intensive and video streaming is bandwidth and storage intensive, the capacity question might be one of the key challenges in that context.

Currently the size of videos that can be uploaded on view.ly is limited to 100MB. Considering that the average size of my surf videos in HD quality is around 200-400MB, I still won't be able to share all of my vlogs with you via view.ly.

However, I'm sure that @furion and his team will be pushing to find solutions for the encoding challenges as soon as possible.

For a reason there is this saying that "If you can dream it, you can do it".

Let's dream BIG and FAST though 😊

Hope you're enjoying your weekend, steemians!
Marly -

PS: The Viewly logo looks almost like the logo of my favorite surf brand "Roxy".

So to me the identity has almost been created 😄
Here's proving it with my Roxy bikini, haha!:

Photography taken and edited by myself (original content). Quote found on quotlr.com

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This is exciting! Great post @surfermarly and great work @furion! Full Upvote

Yeah it is!!! Thanks for your great support Doug! 😉

brilliant meine Liebe - und ich sehe einen Bikini :-)

Hehe Danke 😘
The ultimate boobs strategy! 😂👍

wow amazing video you

I'm going to have to check it out now :)

Excellent! 😉 Let's get this ball rollin'...

Is view.ly on a separate blockchain to Steem?

Good question! This is one @furion might answer.

Zum Glück gibt es auch kostengünstige dezentrale Storage-Lösungen, an denen entwickelt wird. Dann kannst du uns auch mit deinen Surfvideos auf Viewly beglücken (:

P.s.: Vielen Dank für den Logovergleich. Ich schwöre, dass ich nur darauf geschaut hab! :D

Hahaha, ich muss doch meiner "Bikini-Strategie" treu bleiben. Nicht, dass hier jemand noch was vermisst...😄

Die 100MB max Upload Volumen sind etwas schmal. Meine Videos in HD haben mindestens 200, und ich mag die Qualität nicht reduzieren, nur um sie via Viewly einbinden zu können. Aber ich denke mal, das bekommen die schon bald in den Griff. Bis dato muss ich eben noch mit YouTube arbeiten.

Schönes Wochenende!

Interessant... vielleicht sollte ich auch mal damit anfangen Bilder meines Sixpacks neben Charts von Kryptowährungen zu posten! Hier lernt man von der Meisterin ;D

Kann er für dich keine Ausnahme machen, wenn du ihn lieb fragst, oder gibt es keine Möglichkeit diese Quota abhängig vom User zu definieren... Ich hab auch ständig solche Anfragen von "besonderen" Personen (:

Genieß deinen Sonntag Surfergirl!

Unbedingt! Wobei man natürlich bedenken muss, dass Krypto eher männlich besetzt ist, sprich Du die Zielgruppe dann mit dem Sixpack tendenziell verfehlst. Aber auf einen Versuch käme es an. Ich würde das auf jeden Fall voten 😄

Glaube nicht, dass Viewly den Algo für mich ändern würde, aber auf einen Versuch käme es an.

Sonntag läuft soweit, auch wenn es heute keine guten Wellen gibt 😉

Dann also doch oberkörperfreie Beauty- und Ernährungstipps... got it! :D

Wenn der Mann auch nur halb so kompetent ist, wie ich es von ihm annehme, dann könnte er eine spezielle Form von Private Key herausgeben, die eben für 'high storage load' only gebraucht wird... Das funktioniert dann auch dezentral, aber war ja nur so eine Idee... (:

Die armen Wellen werden von dir also kategorisiert, dabei sind sie doch alle nur Teil des Großen und Ganzen des Meeres und haben sich ihre Form bestimmt nicht selbst ausgesucht :/

Dann genieß den Sonntag eben anderweitig (anscheinend mit Steemit ;))

Hahaha, ja ich hab mir tatsächlich rausgenommen, den Wellen Namen zu geben. Aber Du hast natürlich Recht, sie können "eigentlich" nichts dafür 😄

Ich glaube Du warst noch nicht auf steemit als die "Make Up Tutorials" ihren großen Ruhm erfuhren. Das ist so ein bisschen der Running Gag der damaligen Zeit (Juli 2016), da es einige User(innen) auf steemit gab, die damit zu der Steem Preis Boom Phase so richtig abgeräumt haben. War so ein bisschen wie mit den Katzenvideos auf Facebook - aber bezahlt! Haha

Da kennt sich wohl jemand aus? Hast mich echt auf eine gute Idee gebracht, ich werde mal nachfragen, ob die Limitierung in Stein gemeißelt ist.

Ja, ich hänge hier mal wieder fest, hihi. Leider hab ich nur noch knapp über 70% VP. Muss also erstmal warten bis ich wieder die ganzen Kommentare in meinem Blog voten kann. Ich komm damit nie aus.

Ahhhh ich will doch einfach nur vor Sonnenuntergang laufen gehen, sonst wird das nichts mit dem Adonis-Körper, aber jedesmal wenn ich gerade fertig bin und aufbrechen möchte kommt hier ein neuer Kommentar :D

Kürzen wir es ab:

  • Name der Lieblingswelle
  • Name der Welle, die du nicht mal auf dem Mond reiten willst

Schade, die Tutorials hätte ich gern gesehen, komm ja auch so langsam in meine Jahre und vielleicht wäre ein nützlicher Tipp dabei gewesen.

Mir kommt hier eigentlich alles nur wie ein riesiger Reiseblog vor, mit ein paar vereinzelten Poeten und kryptogeilen Nerds, die ihr hart verdientes Geld dann doch wieder in die Reiseblogs der Mädels pumpen... Nie endender Kreislauf (:

Ich kenn mich aber sowas von nicht aus! Bin nur ein kleiner unerfahrener Junge, der im Keller sitzt und sich seine Gedanken zusammen spinnt ;D

Du solltest wirklich taktischer voten (wobei ich eigentlich kein Recht besitze dir Urgestein Tipps zu geben).

Wenn du richtig skalierst und einfach weniger Prozent bei einem Vote gibst, aber mehr Votingpower übrig hast, dann ist das Resultat das gleiche, allerdings hast du dann immer noch ausreichend Votingpower in der Hinterhand, falls dich mal ein besonderer Post bewegt, oder der Circle-Jerk es von dir verlang mehr zu voten (:

Ich bin dann mal laufen! ^^

Meine Lieblingswelle findet bei max 15km/h Wind Offshore statt (was hier selten genug ist), ist 1,5m hoch und bricht schön soft nach links weg.
Die Welle, die niemand braucht, ist im Prinzip genau das Gegenteil: 30km/h Onshore oder "am besten" seitwärts, weniger als 0,5 oder mehr als 2m Höhe und kein sauberer Bruch.
Meistens kriege ich irgendwas dazwischen, das Leben ist halt kein Wunschkonzert 😉

Doch doch, bitte gib mir auf jeden Fall Tipps! Ich brauche z.B. dringend einen Bot, der für mich voted - zumindest 50% meiner VP. Ich komme einfach nicht nach, und verpasse meistens die Posts derer, auf die ich sowieso voten würde. Und wenn ich dann vote, vertue ich mich mit den % und vote immer viel zu viel, haha! Kannst Du einen Service hier auf Steemit empfehlen?

Hat noch geklappt mit dem Adonis Lauf gestern? Hihi

Schönen Montag!

Wow, it is working! Good alternative to YouTube😛
Technical question: Is it possible to paste to the post preview image for your video? Or you can pick only the link without clickable picture?

Yeah definitely!
I haven't seen any option to upload a personalized thumbnail so far. But since it's still a beta testing area, I guess these are details that will be fixed in the future.


Haha ✌️ Great jump! Love her face when she's falling down.

Cool concept. I hope it flys and gives the big 2 a run.

Yeah, that would be beneficial to all of us!

we live in intersting times.

as far as I know steemit or steem is also working on a videoplatform.

Would be awesome if they did!

thx. I hadn't heard about Viewly yet :)

You're welcome! I'm happy you got informed like that 😉
Have a great weekend, Paolo!

It's nice to know there is a trend of decentralization on the internet. 200 MB might not be too much but with time they will most likely increase the bandwith, as the site grows more popular. Let's hope this site gives youtube run for their money :P

Thanks for posting @surfermarly, this is very informative post.

You're welcome, thank you for stopping by.
I'm sure that YouTube will get in trouble in the future due to their politics. There are so many people with influence complaining lately, this has to have an impact!

I'll have to remember this one! I know my brother's about to start making some gaming videos. He'll post them on Youtube and Steemit, but any extra place is welcome for the exposure. I have no idea about the size of the videos though, so that might be an issue.

Anyway, thanks for telling us about this!

It's my pleasure! I'm doing it the same way: publish the videos on YouTube and then post the link (embedding) here on steemit. You are right: it's good to have alternatives, even more if they are based on the blockchain technology! 😉

i didn't know about that platform, i will give it a try! thanks.

Good idea, it's my pleasure 😉

Great to see this revolution of new decentralised technologies.
Decentralisation is the way forward and I hope nothing will impede its success.
View.ly seems like it has a nice clean layout much like steemit.
I hope you are having a great weekend too @surfermarly

The design looks really good, I couldn't agree more!
Have you seen the preview of the app? Really cool.
I had a great weekend, thank you! 😊

Definitely in it's smaller, beginning stage. Can't wait to see larger influencers get on the platform and see where it takes it! Definitely will be watching.

Yeah well the app still isn't fully running and there are a lot of functionalities missing. However, it's on the way. I'll be watching it, too 😉

Great post thanks. I ended up on viwly.com as some of my laptop keys not working lol.

https://view.ly/ states

The solution
A decentralized video platform for creators, by creators. Creators build their tribe of dedicated fans, and receive Patreon like support trough frictionless micropayments and subscriptions. Creators can also sign sponsorship deals that are in-line with their fanbase best interests—with the on-chain escrow and no middleman.

source https://view.ly/

keep on steeming

Thanks for the adding!

its good to join services at their beginning and be first there;) i lived 3 years in tenerife so its nice to see canaries again :) from surfing i remember chicken wings haha

Where did you live on Tenerife?

i lived in south in San eugenia near costa adeje :)

San Eugenio, yeah I know that place well. I was working in Costa Adeje a couple of years.

The interested one :))

Wow just realized such a product is in works. Fyi myself and team were pursuing a dream of decentralized youtube!!! I could see tons of issues in this space including managing copyright violations ... i will follow furion to know more

Good idea! 😊

View.ly looks awesome.....

With the limit of 100mb on Videos. I guess we are going back to the days of 3gp.

Hmmm... Isn't it something to think about? Decentralized 3gp videos!

The app is still in beta, and the developers explained well in their articles that they are working on the bandwith and scalability. So I don't think we have to "go back" anywhere 😉

Cool, I just watched your vlog in viewly and I'm quite surprised that the video loads faster than youtube while maintaining an excellent quality. Is it because viewly use blockchain that's why it is faster?

Anyway awesome vlog, upvote and following you now :)

Please tell me when we can embed Viewly on Steemit.

According to this article it's already running: https://steemit.com/viewly/@furion/introducing-viewly-alpha

Very good idea! Your boobs are very nice.

Thank you. Just had a look at your introduction post and am happy that you are already of full age.

Hahahhahahaha Funniest comment I have read all day!

Do you mean his or mine? 😅😅😅
Nice avatar btw.

Ha ha :))

i think this is worth a try. Though I don't much enough knowledge of it on this moment I think it is a good project. Good luck to all pioneers

Seems cool, view.ly! The loading of your video was fast! :)
Cool surf video, keep it up!
Thank you for sharing!
Upvoted & Followed

Thank you, I'm happy you had fun watching it 😊

Both interesting and informative . TY for sharing .

curious how you'd compare viewly to the other popular video platform, Vimeo? While vimeo certainly isn't decentralized, it's a nice alternative to the dreaded draconian policies and strict guidelines of Youtube.

Anyway, thanks for bringing Viewly to my attention - will definitely check that out!

PS - Followed you too :)

Thanks for the support @jobsande.
I don't think that comparing a centralized and decentralized video provider would make much sense. The core idea of Viewly is the decentralized concept and the blockchain as technological basis. We might do an evaluation of decentralized competitors, once the market segment has been opened up.
I think that's gonna be soon! 😉

Definitely, and I guess I should be thanking you for the interesting content ;) Fair enough, I guess what I was in effect asking was what are the benefits to a decentralized concept for video, although going back I see you do touch on it a bit, a more in depth analysis would be fun too :)

Mnnnn yup logo's definitely do resemble each other, Thanks for pointing that out!


Great! I bookmarked the site. I will have to try it.

Yeah do that!

Excellent post - resteeming

Thanks 😉

Good concept. Went through view.ly main page and I have seen the concept somewhere previously which I don't remember. Youtube banned my monetized channel which was earning good. I will keep this platform in mind.

There are several video projects running right now. However, there are all still in beta. It will be interesting to see who's gonna be the first really entering the market segment in the end!

Blockchain technology will bring back power to the people.such a great time to be alive

I couldn't agree more! 😊

Upvoted and also resteemed :]

Thanks 😉

HAvent heard about viewly yet, will def go chaeck it out. I been you tubing for a year now.

Do that. It's still in beta but might be a good alternative to YouTube in the future.

wow thats nice... looking forward to it.... lets spread it and make use of it.... another platform for us...


This is truly a great effort. Keep it up. Have upvoted and resteemed.

@surfermarly extremely interesting ,the blockchain technology is the best thing in this century it's reshaped the world in many fields, the best is upcoming as long as we dream big we can do bigger, if you remember me i made the post about luck and you give me advice about formatting the post , I made a recent post about how we choose whether destroying our lives or make it better hopefully you like it and I do appreciate your opinion if you have the time take a look and tell what do you think . have a wonderful day

Pink/Red looks good on you!

Thank you. That money looks good on you, too 😄

It is a definitely check for me and if I find this viewly platform interesting, I will start using it very soon.

Good plan 😉

This sounds like an exciting venture, I dont video blog but I just may have to give it a try. Thanks for the info great photos and post.

Thank you Rachel, it's much appreciated! 😉

This is great, I hate uploading my videos to pootube, I will definitely use view.ly
Thanks for sharing

I think I need to take a look at this one.