I completly agree about this assertion. In a way the blockchain technology is going througth a transformation phase. It is waking up from a dream and start making it happening in the real average person world. In parrallel, the big instititutions, banks, insurances firms, accountants frims and all sort of financial services and fintech bussiness are jumping into it. They finally got, who knows how, maybe from their shareholsers, that they must move on this because smart people are getting very quickly to the third stage, the product stage,
It is at this level that the technology becomes a threat for them . When it , simply put, replace them. But we must still stay aware that blockchain can be made private. They then become as transparent as any other secure database, and they can be controlled. (meaning they can control issuance and dewstrustion of digital assets). They still would benefit of instantaneous audit, increased access secutiry, alomst incorruptible internal infrastructure but still control this market totallly.
This is why i agree to your assertion, the blockchain is very young is in stead of its many-time predicted death it holds. It is now via smart contracts and colored coins, side chains and shapeshifting going toward a very interesting direction.