Decentralization and Power

in decetralization •  9 years ago  (edited)

Decentralization and power go hand in hand, in some ways.Those that have power, either want more of it, or at the very least not give any of it up. On the other hand, those that do not have much want more, at least to the point where they feel they have some control over something.And this is where decentralization attempts to 'level the playing field', so to speak.

The true meaning of this word, at least to me, is that power be 'decentralized', where everyone has a vote (or say) in an outcome. And this may be true, with the oncoming of  newer programming techniques/technologies ,the 'blockchain' model being at the forefront. One person doesn't decide the outcome of something, some person's do!Don't get me wrong.Maybe some things have a purpose to exist, like a 'President' or whatever other government functions (like a military force to defend the people). But many things  can and should be decided by the overall best majority decision-assuming an open and fair process. But history has grained into our culture this hierarchal form of King And Queen, those and those not, have and have not's, rich and poor for so long that it's ingrained in our psyche.It's probably a left over ancestral trait, when 'survival of the fittest' ruled.

See, each of us on the planet are born equal, wherever or whatever we're born, male or female, black or white. I have no more right to tell you what to do than you do me, unless you're doing something blatantly harmful to others or something like that. And decentralization also means that, we don't trample on others fair rights, no matter who they are. Each of us has our own opinion, and we can express that opinion to others, but it's not upon us to make someone believe something, just because we believe it. They have to decide what they think is best for themselves.

There is no standard political definition of decentralization. Many people have many different opinions about it, and that's good.That's it in action! But spreading the ideals of decentralization is not easy. Most people have trouble 'freeing their mind' from the mindset I mentioned above, including myself. We have been ingrained so long to think a certain way, many of since childhood, that it's hard. But, like any idea worth pursuing, it can be done, if enough minds think alike!

Will we see it anytime soon, a world where decentralization truly rules?Not likely soon, but we have to keep trying, day bay day, doing our little bit, our little 'piece of the pie; to try to achieve the dreams of people like John Lennon, who had it fairly straight in a lot of ways!

If everybody everywhere had a lighter load to bear and a little bigger piece of the pie, we'd be livin' us a pretty good life, and that'd be alright-Alan Jackson

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