The (Oh) Well

in decisions •  7 years ago 


*This one goes out to Travis Wills who inspired this thought the other day! Thanks, Brother!

It's been a long day coming but everyone has to choose a side when they are looking for a place in life... There is no middle in the end... Doing just enough is just like doing nothing. You end up in the same boat as those who decide that tomorrow will save today. That type of thinking makes sure that nothing of importance really gets done. It's a big decision when you decide to fully commit to your fate, but without doing it, then there is nothing to really ever commit to. Because we are the only thing big enough to carry us through the entirety of life. Purpose, Vision, Presence, Hope...

All of these are great, but if you don't want to do it to build yourself into something better, then why start? We all know ourselves to be flawed in some capacity, but that doesn't mean we cannot start being better than we were right away. In fact, if anything it means that the immediacy of the problem, contains within it, the solution. Stillness... Yes that's right, our society tells you that doing more, will always yield more, but that's like saying you can fight the US Army if you just try hard enough with a pickaxe an iron will. You will never fight a bigger subconscious (yes you are fighting with yourself) opponent by using brute force and action. Instead, you have to plot out the war against your dark side methodically.

Life is a well of possibilities as it seems, but most people never want to dig beneath the surface to see their own true capacity. Here in lies the difficulties. These un-dug wells, lead to people with no roots and many hidden forms of well-sabotage. If you don't know yourself well enough, then your dark side will have 50 ways to come and attack you. Most of the time you will fall during such attacks and lose time, money, energy, willpower, spiritual sanctity... Trust me, I have dealt with all of it. The major thing is that you have to continually plot against your dark side to make yourself better... It may seem strange, but I can assure you that the war within a serious thing... Who else can better defeat you than yourself? Don't lose this war, it's one of the most important fights of your life. Keep planning and praying for new methods of attack and defense. Then, you might have a chance for success.

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