Neo-Nazi thugs are still neo-Nazi thugs even when they style themselves as "leftists". Hotbeds of Neo-Nazi thuggery, this is what universities have become today. The worm, however, is about to turn. On-line education is about to hit universities like a tsunami because people will stop supporting institutions that turn their kids brains to rotten mush at the price of tens of thousands of bucks in student debt. Go to YouTube and listen to Heather MacDonald and be refreshed by intelligence like water in the desert, the dry desert of Deconstructionism. Stay away from university. Libraries are free and so is a wealth of on-line education. Read Shakespeare!
The purpose of Mind Control as practiced by torturers – popularly styled "Brain Washing" – is to destroy the victim's ability to form reasonable conclusions based on senses and judgement so that the torturers' will is all that is left. The Deconstructionism that has taken over university humanities departments for 3 decades now is a softer version of Brain Washing. Hence the absurdity of the basis of much Gender Studies and Cultural Studies.
For example, it is now orthodoxy that 1 in 4 women on US campuses is annually the victim of sexual assault, a patent absurdity: the real figure is 1 in 40 according to statistics easily available. Another example of absurdity is the belief that gender is a social construct and a personal choice (a logical contradiction in itself) and that it has nothing to do with biological sex; this is a patent absurdity when in at least 95% – and probably 98% – of any population world-wide biological sex correlates completely with sexual proclivities and gender identity.
Because science proves the Deconstructionist myths to be mind destruction and brain washing, Deconstructionism and Feminism and Cultural Studies academics and authors have spent 3 decades attacking science. Science is simply a more systematic and formal development of what every animal and every human must do to survive, that is they must use their own judgement to make sense out of their own observations and out of that judgement form the decision to fight, flee or approach. The deer that cannot judge the objectively truthful difference between a wolf and a rock is soon a dead deer. A person who cannot believe the objective truth of a red light is too insane to drive a vehicle.
Just how did scientists and technicians invent and construct the laptops on which students compose their Gender Studies essays? A scientist is in the business of objective truth as in, "What is the temperature, minus 80 or minus 82?" or "What is the distance, 40.1 light years or 39.8 light years?" or "What is the velocity on re-entry, 10,450 km/hr or 8,530 km/hr?" or "What is the exact proportion of magnesium in this alloy?". Scientists who can't give the correct answer are soon fired.
But truth is even more basic than this; truth and individual judgement is our human sovereignty. Lies are the life blood of slavery. That's why Deconstruction was invented; it is a tool to destroy human sovereignty and democracy and the rule of law. It comes directly out of Nazism via Paul De Mann and Jacques Derida and that's why US campuses today are the "Nazi Cuckoo-land" reborn, complete with Storm Troopers who think "tomorrow belongs to" them.