📹 THE__HUNT // 28th July 2k18 // Saturday Curated Top 10 with ABV 2.0 in effect.

in deeez-huntz •  7 years ago 

Always into a roll with the new ABV 2.0 we even have unlimited submissions enabled as well now too — it’s certainly caused an influx of submissions and maybe a little bit of confusion — everything changed at once — I think in some ways thou changing things up rapidly allows for rapid testing in a live environment too, it’s certainly been an interesting ride so far.

number of products and rewards today (open to change)
187 products, $126.29 SBD hunter’s rewards were generated

my ten curated hunters today:
@rachelleignacio, @colemanalice, @sneakin, @naijaguy, @keyprado, @kompela14, @teamhumble, @sopranos, @rosario23, @alikoc07


[o1] Bundle Beds
[o2] Dynamo
[o3] Story Makers
[o4] Socionity
[o5] Feedier
[o6] Reflect Studio v2
[o7] GOAL ZERO YETI 3000
[o8] HypeAuditor
[o9] Arable
[1o] Lavolta

It took a lot longer to make the top 10 today because there was just SO MUCH JUNK on the platform, now that guidelines have relaxed now it’s just a dumping ground for ‘whatever’ (which kinda sucks) but hey ho, it’s more a reflection of the real world now I guess — I’m constantly amazed by the CRAP that people buy (I’m sure people could say the same of things I buy too!)

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feel free to add your own translation and this is the link for that > http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=ZJPUYtkqTV4 < — i don’t expect people to translate everyday but if you feel that way that would be awesome, let me know if you do a translation! :)