Are The Vaccines Future Generational Birth Control?

in deepdives •  3 years ago 


A couple weeks ago Project Veritas made blaring headlines that they had obtain military documents showing that DARPA was presented with a proposal asking for funding to go into bat caves and spray bats to keep bats from spreading the dangerous Sars strains. Outside of the "we got them now" quotes seen on many blogs, that, and James O'Keefe seen in a video standing in a courtroom hallway declaring he was a happy healthy person who didn't want to kill himself right before going off to testify how he came about the paperwork, that's about the extent that most people paid any attention to the release.

Anyone taking deep dives into all the information that's out there would have stopped to ask themselves how this plays into other information that has been put out. In this instance it runs counter to materials put forth by Dr. David Martin via patented records presented to German investigators/scientist/doctors preparing a case to go before the world court. According to Dr. Martin Sars Cov 2 is a computer sequenced generated virus.

Coronavirus is malleable and can be synthetically modified in the laboratory using gene sequencing technologies to turn computer code into a pathogen (initially funded as a vector to distribute HIV vaccine) [10:30]

Furthermore according to Dr Martin corona virus was harmless to humans prior to scientist experimenting with it. That would lead to one asking if it was harmless than why were they in bat caves spraying bats. My personal opinion is at this point chances were that they weren't, bats just became the scape goat. When you think of over the eight hundred claimed trips into bat caves all over the world looking for this particular virus that to this day scientist said cannot be found that leads to even more credence that the whole spraying of bats in a bat cave probably never happened. If you were of curious mind than you'd ask yourself if they are claiming they were in bat caves than exactly what are they claiming they were doing in them.

Well evidently they were trying to vaccinate the bats against corona virus. I guess that's a good endeavor all in itself but unless they had an endless trial of money to keep going into bat caves into infinity to vaccinate bats what good does it do if future generations of bats don't get vaccinated, or what if they miss a few bats. Herein lies the crux of the situation. If you read the paperwork the attempted vaccination was to modify the gene in the bats so the offspring of bats couldn't or wouldn't produce the deadly pathogen. According to Dr Martin there was never a deadly pathogen to begin with. So inquiring minds would want to know exactly what is up with all this. It doesn't make any logical sense that supposedly they'd be making request to spend millions of dollars to go into bat caves to altar the gene of bats who don't harbor a dangerous pathogen. Exactly what are bats being used as a potential scape goat for.

That brings your mind back to reading the Japanese study where they found the spike protein in all organs of the body, with a particular high amount in the ovaries. I am not saying there is any real correlation here, I am not a scientist, but it did make me think about past attempts used by the globalist Bill Gates that immunization led to some woman ending up sterile, unable to have kids. I am not saying that was intentional either, from what I can remember they ended up being sued over it and if I remember correctly they were found guilty. If you look at that failure then going back to the chalk board would ensue in any quest to obtain universal vaccine birth control. Think about the possibility they could have realized this would have to be a second generation attempt, that somehow they'd have to figure out a way to alter the next generations genes. By the time these kids grew up these guys will long be gone from the earth but universal population control would have been met.

Seriously there's no other logical explanation as to why they'd be exploring scientifically how to altar the genome of future generations if there wasn't a serious pathogen threat from bats to begin with then obviously they were after something else and bats just ended up being the scape goat or their deflection away from the truth. This would also explain why they'd be so sick as to want to give an experimental vaccine to children, and now even tiny babies. To give infants an experimental vaccines is about as sick and demented as it can get. To do something as sinister as this is you really don't think these people wouldn't kill you? That brings me to touch on the next topic of conversation.

I admit I've only seen before this current release one other video of Senator Ron Johnson. This current release though, in my opinion, depicts him as a clown. Excuse me if you want but some people just get lost in the moment. I think we are all there at times because we are so sick and tired of it, the deception, deceit, dishonesty, lies being told and we truly want to believe there are the hero's out there somewhere going to come rushing in on their white horses to save us. When I watch this man disrupt the doctor in the video about to spill the beans on the vaccines and exactly how in scientific terms they can create cancer only to have clown face disrupt him at that exact moment that tells me something, that and his clown face expressions. As soon as the Jewish hat doctor says "be cancer caus... Ron Johnson disrupts him at that exact moment with:

Your certainly telling us you are qualified but I don't know what your talking about.

Well the lady doctor sitting next him wasn't having any of it and interjects to explain exactly what it is he don't understand.

I want to clarify, people have said mRNA vaccines, mRNA only goes to protein and we can't do anything. First we know people have reverse transcriptase (I think that's the word she used), yes it can make DNA, yes it can go back into the DNA but there's some thing else about RNA, RNA can make little hairpin loops, RNA can regulate your DNA so when you put an mRNA or RNA into your body it can get in and it can be alternatively sliced bind to your DNA and it can regulate it for positive or negative. It can change your gene expression and there's stuff in there that can do that intentionally or unintentionally and we don't know, it's completely unethical because we are just beginning to understand mRNA silencing where these RNA molecules regulate our DNA, it's completely unethical to use this technology.

Then Dr Peter McCullough goes on to state the fact that more studies need to be done. Which brings me back to Dr. Ryan Coles pleas that they need funding to be able to find out why cancers are on the rise among the vaccinated, he stated that they know the spike protein can bind to these receptors and can activate them, they can bind to cancer promoting sites, in essence they can dispute what he called P53 which is the guardian of our genome. Upon which the lady doctor stated that is what they expect is going on with women who have breast cancer, the spike protein is blocking the crucial role of P53.

Honestly folks I don't know exactly what's going on here and it certainly doesn't help that at this point we have a senator who has spent months on this claiming he doesn't either. When I watch this video I see three, four of these doctors who have made claims they actually got the poison jab, so exactly whom is it that I am to believe? We have a senator with a golly gee look on his face surrounded by a room half filled with the same faces showing up on talk shows telling us all the vaccines are safe, stop severe disease sitting in a room half filled with doctors who are saving they are not. We had James O'Keefe who got busted by the feds all of a sudden coming up with supposed top secret but not classified military information along with a letter from someone inside the military claiming if he could so easily get the information then others could get it just as easily so he moved to have it classified. The scary part of that is is the part that no one read, if you look at what did get released, and that was some bat shit crazy stuff then ask yourself exactly what it was that was so alarming that we didn't get to see that he moved to get classified.

People need to start getting a lot more in depth in their digging instead of being distracted by clown face denials and O'Keefe characters saying the cute stuff. Because if it's true that they are working on a new vaccine technology that basically lets them interchange the spike heads something tells me we are in for a lot more surprises. More on that to come as I keep digging, remember, the truth lies behind what they are saying not up front in their deflections.

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